Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Depression Fetishism

Here's an excerpt from my latest column at Pajamas Media:

There is no doubt that today’s economic crisis ranks among the most severe we’ve seen in decades, and no one discounts the painful dislocation millions of Americans are feeling amid housing losses and widespread job market instability. But it’s less persuasive that today’s recession equals the fundamental collapse of capitalism of the New Deal era. Indeed, recent public opinion polling suggests that Americans see business journalism as contributing to the economic downturn. As a January 1 Opinion Research Corporation survey reported:

Seventy-seven percent of Americans believe that the U.S. media is making the economic situation worse by projecting fear into people’s minds … The majority of those surveyed feel that the financial press, by focusing on and embellishing negative news, is damaging consumer confidence and damping investment, making a difficult situation much worse.

Careful observers of news and public opinion know that the mass media is consumed by “Depression fetishism.” It’s an affliction of the political left where pundits, liberal economists and far left bloggers endlessly decry “predatory capitalism.” Economic exaggeration and doomsday scenarios proliferate far and wide, with attacks on the Bush administration’s “malign economic neglect” bolstering the case on the Democratic left for a “New, New Deal.” Recall, for example, one of the great national newsweeklies sold magazines with a mock-up of President-elect Barack Obama riding in a vintage open-air sedan, while decked out with a crumpled fedora and an elongated cigarette filter. Can a new National Industrial Recovery Act be far behind?


  1. Donald,

    Unfortunately, I still cannot agree. Yes, people say the press is contributing to the economic slowdown. However, this is not a "panic" in consumers "holding out" from purchasing. We're overextended and under-capitalized (low savings - low cash reserves) on every level: Government, business, and individual. We've lost much of our "base" of capitalist driven (not Government "market making") manufacturing sector. We must manufacture within the USA. This "story" that we can become a successful "service providing nation" is false logic, imo. Consider the 3rd world. They do not produce. They are the third world. We've overextended our borrowing from foreign countries. We're devaluing the dollar now as we are printing money. This is going to be worse than the last Great Depression, imo. We have so many social programs now that rather than creating a "safety net".. they are creating a drag that's going to become catastrophic in these circumstances. The States don't have enough money to meet their budgets, even. If Obama and crew on Capitol Hill - and the States - would SHARPLY "pull back" on taxation for all manufacturing sectors of business - that would help. They sit their and tax and regulate these businesses into departure from the US or oblivion in bankruptcy... then act like beggars have come to them to ask for bailouts. Actually, in a way, the victims went to the thief to ask for SOME OF THEIR OWN money back. The Government is a basic con man. The Government has destroyed our economy on so many levels. Anyway, there are numerous other leading indicators. However, when we are in so precarious a position regarding imports/exports... we're shipping our wealth overseas. We're becoming a pauper nation. We've "hidden" that truth through borrowing at every level individual, business, local and state and national Governments.

    This is no "failure" of capitalism. This is FAILURE of SOCIALISM. Our Government did ALL THIS to us I could say a lot more. But it was socialism, government taxation, regulation, programs, trying to legislate people out of poverty and into prosperity, etc... instead of letting the market and people in the USA do what needed to be done: WORK... freely... and create and build and produce. They redirected the market, controlled the business sector and put a stranglehold on it, plus drove manufacturing out of the USA again and again and again.

    It's a tsunami coming. It's way worse than 1929, imo. To my view, all the underlying dynamics are worse. Plus these politicians won't even know how to back off and free up the business and manufacturing sectors. They'll monkey some more trying to generate an outcome as if "all the American ingenuity" was in some government position. They've destroyed America. And they don't want to admit it. They want to keep playing the same game like a person who has lost their whole lifesavings and their house sitting at the slot machine. They'll just keep feeding their own machine (and their own sense of pride, ego - and their fear driven drive to gain control themselves... instead of letting people be free.)


  2. Grace: We can disagree, but the press seems to be making things worse, as the polls show.

  3. Your number one commentor is correct.
    The mainstream media will start reporting that all is wonderful right after inauguration day !!

  4. Don, as always I have to tell you that the press has only one agenda and it's the same as every other business out there: to make money! All of your and others' cries of a "liberal agenda" to take down America, economically or otherwise, are straw man arguments. Invisible hand, motherf*cker! That last word was meant to be a slang term for someone who has physical intercourse with your mother but I didn't want to offend your delicate sensibilities by writing an actual curse word so I inserted the little star symbol instead; I hope you appreciate my restraint.

    And Norm: of course everything will be hunky-dory once Obama is in office; it says as much in the super-secret memo he sent to me and the tens of millions of other people who voted for him last November. Liberal conspiracy, f*ck yeah (same little star to denote physical intercourse)!

  5. Well, JBW is showing his mental dwarfism again. As for the post subject, yes, I agree that the media is making things worse, however, Barry has said in the last week that we can expect Trillion dollar deficits for the next several years. The dollar will not sustain that.

  6. When things are going well, does the right credit the media then?

    I think the post-election depression on the dwindling right is always seeking to find either the straw man or the liberal conspiracy. It's way easier than actually thinking, or looking in the mirror.

  7. Yes Greywolfe, you yourself betray such a deep and measured intelligence by insulting me and not addressing my point. You're pretty smart for a truck driving simpleton in a gay hat.

  8. JBW I lost your point in the pointless use of vulgar epithets. If you want people to take your points seriously, try acting like something other than a 12 year old with a tooth ache.

  9. Greywolfe, if my prose confuses you, try acting like you've heard a few vulgarities in your life and I'll consider treating you like another adult. Until then, shriek like a frightened teen aged girl whenever another adult male says anything that offends your delicate sensibilities, sweetheart.

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