Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Palestinian Propaganda

Here's an update to last night's post, " The Necessity of Peace," with a big thank you to Reliapundit at Astute Bloggers for his hard work and moral clarity.

Palestinian Propaganda

Photo Caption (make believe...) at Flickr:

A picture shows the body of a Palestinian girl found in the rubble of her destroyed house following an Israeli air strike on a three-storey house belonging to a Hamas member in the eastern Gaza City neighborhood of Zeitun on January 6, 2009. About 30 people were inside the house when it was destroyed by the air raid, neighbors said. Israeli tanks firing cannons and machine guns and supported by helicopter gunships also moved into the city of Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip before dawn, witnesses said.
See also, Lawhawk, "Palestinian Propaganda 101."


  1. They WANT women and children to die. They prove that by terrorist leaders refusing to send their wives and children out of their homes when they know their homes are going to be bombed. They WANT those women and children to die - THEY are responsible when they PURPOSEFULLY keep those women and children in homes they know are going to be bombed.

    The men I know in America will stand up in defense of women and children and men will protect women and children. But in Palestine, they want women and children to die and I've seen that evidenced by their actions. They use women and children as human shields in schools, in homes, as they wage war . These are despicable actions.

    That little girl was murdered by Hamas. Hamas kept bombing and bombing and bombing and has used women and children as shields the whole time - and now even purposefully sends women and children into homes that are targetted for bombings so they can use their deaths for propaganda.

    We're witnessing diabolical evil that sacrifices women and children rather than protecting their lives. Then poses pictures of their own victims who they put in harm's way on purpose for the purpose of propaganda.

    Men in the USA, men in Western Civilization fight to protect and defend women and children. But not in that land. They hide behind women and children and are much worse than women... as they use a patriarchal society to order women and children to their deaths. Those women CAN'T say "no" when their husbands order them into a house with their children to be bombed. They're so opposite in their behavior of all that is both human and manly.

    They're cowards who hide behind women and children and cause women and children to die.


  2. What is truly disgusting is how the Palestinians have let themselves be used as cannon fodder for such a long time. Every military, nationalist or religious nut that comes along gives the Palestinians a line of BS that they fall for and die.

    At some point Palestinians must see through the BS doctrine of hatred that is spewed by their leaders. Arabs are forever getting even for what happened decades ago.

    Will I have news for them. Is America still mad at Japan for its attack on Pearl Harbor? No. Does Japan hate America for nuking two cities and killing at least 300,000 immediately or by slow cancer death ? NO Does Germany hate the allies for Dresden today ? No. Do Germans make the tank armour for Jews ? Yes

    Palestinians start fighting to better your lives. Israel fights and builds a beautiful city only an hour or so drive north of Gaza. Meanwhile, Palestinians fight and their lives deteriorate. is time to find a peaceful solution.

  3. I'm sorry, am I wrong or was that child not killed by an Israeli rocket? The actions of the photographer and everyone else around aside: that kid is dead. By a rocket fired by Israel (and extremely likely) produced by the United States.

    Now, is this Palestinian propaganda? Of course! If I was fighting an adversary as rich and powerful as Israel who had a lobbying arm in the United States congress as rich and powerful as they have, you're goddamned right I'd use propaganda to advance my ideological cause. Who could blame me?

    In the absence of money or power, the Palestinians will use whatever means they have at their disposal to advance their cause and if you think Israel can kill (and yes, I said "kill") innocents and not incur collateral damage while doing so then you are either naive or stupid.

    Both of these groups are religious idiots who are fighting over what God supposedly told each of them thousands of years ago. I have little sympathy for such ignorance on either side of this conflict.

    Admittedly, I'm drunk right now but I'll have a more detailed take on my site tomorrow.

  4. JBW: Drunk, you still make sense.

    I understand fully the outrage though. Hamas is despicable, but I also have to question the desperation of the Palestinians. I don't just see this as a question of good vs. evil. That is a surface viewpoint.

  5. Propaganda or not, this is still a picture of a dead little girl. This is a tragedy on all accounts. Pointing fingers and placing blame does nothing to honor our humanity. Her blood is on our hands as well. At some point we must rise above the fray, stand up for what is right, and not allow ourselves to be blinded by the clouds of moral righteousness.
