Saturday, March 28, 2009

Oakland Remembers Slain Police Officers

This is the front-page photo from today's Los Angeles Times, which accompanies a report on the city's services for the four Oakland police officers who were killed last week in a shoot out with Lovelle Mixon, a local hoodlum.

Oakland Police Officers

The flag-draped caskets of the four slain Oakland police officers at their funeral.

Unfortunately, there were more pernicious commemorations this week as well, when demonstrators marched in support of cop-killer Mixon, chanting "police oppression," or some other such baloney.

Melanie Morgan has been posting on this, and she's got an essay up at World Net Daily as well, "
You Say You Want a 'Revolootion'?":

Today the city of Oakland, the Bay Area and the entire country say goodbye to four police officers who were murdered by a parolee, no-good street thug. Thousands are expected to attend the funeral of officers killed Saturday: Sgts. Mark Dunakin, 40, of Tracy; Erv Romans, 43, of Danville; and Daniel Sakai, 35, of Castro Valley. Officer John Hege, 41, of Concord, also was shot Saturday and declared brain-dead Sunday. He was taken off life support late Monday.

Lovelle Mixon, the cops' killer and a suspected child rapist, is now a popular icon in the sick and twisted minds of those who support Mixon's murderous actions and hate the cops. The other night on TV, a reporter held pictures of Mixon's victims and some maniacs stepped forward and spit on the photographs. It was sickening, but what do you expect from street punks who take no personal responsibility and worship the likes of Che Guevara, a mass murderer, the Black Panthers, and now Mixon, the pervert and cop killer.

Mixon's apologists are proud of themselves and are not only spitting on pictures of the officers who died in the line of duty, but they're marching in the open,
videotaping themselves and trying to intimidate folks who don't believe in their radical lunacy.

More at the link.

Also blogging this story, thank goodness:
* Dan Collins, "A Primer on Crapweasels, Punks and Parasites."

* Nice Deb, "
Oakland Leftist Moonbat Drones March In Support of Cop Killer."

* Saber Point, "
Unbelievable: Blacks Hold Memorial Service for Oakland Cop Killer."

* Kathy Shaidle, "
Stay classy! Protesters mourn death of cop-killing child rapist."

* Stilettos in the Sand ..., "
Lovelle Mixon - Piece of Sh!t."

* Van Helsing, "
Moonbats March in Adoration of Cop Killer."


  1. You have to wonder about the near-term viability of a society that produces people who openly celebrate the murder of four police officers by a low-life, bottom-feeding child rapist.

    Here is hoping Lovelle Mixon is now occupying a very hot place that isn't heavenly in the slightest.

    May God be with the families and friends of those who were needlessly slain, as well as that young girl who was raped, as well as her family.

    For anyone interested, Noel Sheppard posted an excellent tribute to those whose lives were lost. Sadly, his daughter was friends with the son of one of the officers that was killed:


  2. The link is appreciated, DD.

    Still thinking of these fine men who gave so much of themselves and who have left us too soon. Thoughts and prayers will continue to be with their families and loved ones.

  3. My brother in law covered that funeral. If I get the chance I'll ask him about it. My prayers go out to their friends and families.
