Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Progressives to Push Limbaugh as GOP Leader

Today's Los Angeles Times reports that the Democratic National Committe is coordinating a smear campaign against Rush Limbaugh and the GOP:

The Obama White House has begun advancing an aggressive political strategy: persuading the country that real power behind the Republican Party is not the GOP leaders in Congress or at the Republican National Committee, but rather provocative radio talk show king Rush Limbaugh.

President Obama himself, along with top aides and outside Democratic allies, have been pushing the message in unison ....

As the White House works to make Limbaugh the face of the GOP, it is getting some outside assistance.

A tax-exempt group that supports progressive causes - Americans United for Change - is helping finance a TV ad that claims Republican leaders are beholden to the radio host. The ad closes with Limbaugh saying, "I want him to fail."

The quote was part of a comment in which Limbaugh said of Obama: "If his agenda is a far-left collectivism -- some people say socialism - as a conservative heartfelt, deeply, why would I want socialism to succeed?"

Brad Woodhouse, president of Americans United for Change, said the group had discussed the ad campaign with the Democratic National Committee. Woodhouse is joining the DNC next week as its communications director. Asked if the White House was notified about the ad, Woodhouse said: "They certainly are aware - I'm sure they're aware of what we're doing."
The website for Americans United for Change is here, via Memeorandum.

The Democrats better keep doubling-up their efforts. All of this progressive coordination is taking place just as a movement of Barack Obama "buyer's remorse" is kicking in. See, "Obama’s Sorry Cultists."

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