Friday, March 27, 2009

"Why can't we just figure out a way to get rid of this pig..."

From the comments at Daily Beast, with reference to Rush Limbaugh:

I didn't listen to this clip, but I already know I didn't miss anything. Why can't we just figure out a way to get rid of this pig and everybody who listens to him and make the world a better place?
Hat Tip: The People's Blog.


  1. Why can't we just figure out a way to get rid of this pig and everybody who listens to him and make the world a better place?

    Dayem, Donald, me thinks empressaw is angling to have us all offed!

    Imagine the sh*t storm that would ensue if I were to post over at NB or HA that the Kosturds, Huftards, or DUmmies, along with their respective leaders, should be gotten rid of.

    Yeah, and we conservatives are just being paranoid when we express concern over FEMA's "detainment" camps.


  2. Allow me to agree with you. I want Rush to stay out there in public view, along with Glenn Beck, Shelly Bachmann and the congressional Republicans with their "wish" budget. They're the best advertisement in the world for the Democratic party.

  3. Like him or not, Rush is absolutely right! Why is Ebony in there asking bogus questions when Obama could take a tough question from someone else. Obama is just taking softball questions to look good. know that is happening from the MSM.

    As a side note, the homeless children number is bogus. I read on Foxnews that the stats were padded with children who were living with other family members, like grandparents and aunts and uncles. They are not live on the street as the biased study tried to portray.

  4. They're the best advertisement in the world for the Democratic party.

    Only among those who live inside that echo chamber you live in, DLB.

    Understand that the reason Rush became -- and stayed -- popular enough to keep EIB in business is because he reinforces what his millions of listeners already have reasoned out for themselves -- a foundation that is far stronger than the flighty, "change"-able base of emotion his opposition has built upon.

    From what I hear, the actions of the current Administration are leading to increased ratings for El Rushbo ... and that is understandable.

    While you sneer at Saint Ron elsewhere, you support a Messiah who has fallen short, for we have an example of a good Messiah to measure him against.

    A Messiah that ...

    ... respected the making of a legitimate profit ...

    ... had tax cheats repent from His influence, whether or not they were nominated for His Administration ...

    ... said we only needed to render unto Caesar what is legitimately his -- as opposed to everything Caesar wants, whether it is his or not ...

    ... and had the ability to build a complete cabinet of sound construction.

    This Administration is illustrating the reality of Leftist governance ... and it isn't pretty.

  5. It's called the fairness doctrine and at some point the democrats will try to bring it back from the dead like Frankenstein's monster.

    Of course Frankenstein's monster killed him and everyone close to him.

  6. They're the best advertisement in the world for the Democratic party.

    Only among those who live inside that echo chamber you live in, DLB.

    Check out Limbaugh's approval/disapproval numbers, Casebolt. The right is the echo chamber here; DLB and myself come down with the majority of the country on this guy.

  7. JBW -- if that's the case, then why can't the Left match Rush in the talk-radio arena?

    His ratings, IMO, are probably a more reliable opinion poll than those you hang your hat upon ... both regarding El Rushbo, and regarding your Leftist friends who tried -- and failed -- to emulate his success in that arena.

    With the rise in his ratings, it could be said that now -- just as in the 1990's -- it is the Democrat Party that is the greatest advertisement for Rush Limbaugh.

    And even if a majority doesn't like the way he says it ... methinks a majority still knows that the ideas under his words ARE true ... and it is the truth of those ideas that is being compared against the machinations of this Adminstration, leading to the declines in its polling numbers.

  8. DLB,

    They're the best advertisement in the world for the Democratic party.

    ROFL. Yeah, and Rush is no doubt crying all the way to the bank, too:

    As for the democrat dog-washers in the MSM, and particularly the Communist News Network, things aren't looking all that rosy:

    THU., MARCH 26, 2009

    FOXNEWS O'REILLY 3,420,000
    FOXNEWS HANNITY 2,987,000
    FOXNEWS BECK 2,374,000
    FOXNEWS GRETA 2,160,000
    FOXNEWS BAIER 1,940,000
    FOXNEWS SHEP 1,888,000
    MSNBC OLBERMANN 1,322,000
    CNNHN GRACE 1,300,000
    MSNBC MADDOW 1,208,000
    CNN KING 1,144,000
    CNN COOPER 1,118,000

    Yep, CNN is now officially in third place. Not a good place to be for the Organizer's propaganda ministry.

    President FUBAR might want to consider giving up all that partying in the White House, along with all those sky miles he is racking up in Air Force One, and get on the stick getting congress moving a little faster in passing his economy and freedom-destroying Marxist agenda.

    After all, the 2010 elections are beginning to loom large, and something tells me the Obamunist-supporting candy-ass democrats aren't going to fare very well.

    Reality is a bitch, ain't it?

