Friday, April 10, 2009

Charles Johnson's Strange Alliance with Andrew Sullivan

Sometime back I posted on "On Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs." I noted at the post that "it turns out that yesterday Johnson basically joined the likes of Glenn Greenwald in attacking Glenn Beck for SIMPLY HYPOTHESIZING the possibility of an American anarchy ..."

Little Green Footballs

Well now we have Johnson attacking the "Project 912 Glenn Beck Tea Party" as a society of "book burners." But get this: Andrew Sullivan joins in with an approving link, "A Tea Party Tantrum."

I earlier suggested "I have no personal quarrel with Johnson..." Unfortunatelty, it's hard for me to say the same thing today. Pamela Geller is in the midst of an ongoing flame war with Little Green Footballs. A recent post was titled, "
Neo-Nazis Link Up With Charles Johson, Little Green Footballs Smears Beck, the GOP and Conservatives." Previously, Pamela published an essay titled, "Charles Little Green Footballs: The New Fascism ... on the Right."

Readers can check the veracity of Pamela's claims at her posts. But the meme is familiar irrespective of the particulars: Charles Johnson's mounted a long campaign against a number of neoconservative bloggers in the U.S., and that's on top of blogs such as Gates of Vienna and Brussels Journal in Europe.

What's interesting to me, especially, is that Johnson still continues to attack
the Obama administration collectivism, all the while aiding and abetting the left's nihilist campaign against religion and social conservatism. Strange, no? But wait! Johnson's also been busy with attemps to repudiate some previous recognition from Andrew Sullivan: "There’s nothing like a left-handed compliment from Andrew Sullivan to totally creep you out."

I've got news for you, Charles, you're just as creepy as Sullivan, and just as dangerous.


  1. Your link under Gates of Vienna goes to Gateway Pundit instead.

  2. Excuse me, but aren't "religion & social conservatism" what the deadly scary Muslims want to impose on us? According to you anyway.

    So it's OK to be religious & socially conservative if it's right-wing Xianity, but the same crap from another Abrahamic religion is wrong?

    Well, a foolish consistency, etc.

  3. Anyone defending Glenn Beck can pretty much be dismissed outright as part of the lunatic fringe. If conservatives/Republicans continue down this path, they will never be in power again. If they disclaim this fringe element and begin to appeal to the center again, they may have a chance.

  4. A few years ago I read LGF quite often, and thought it a great blog. Then, slowly but surely, Charles got more and more obsessed with denouncing creationism, the Vlaams Belang, and others. And, slowly but surely, I found myself drifting away from the site.

    Then one day I realized I hardly went there any more at all.

    So I'm unfamiliar with his split with Robert Spencer, but sadly not surprised. I don't know what exactly happened to Charles, but it's just downright disappointing.

  5. Tom the RH - the same has happened to me. The writing at LGF has increasingly been obsessed with 2 subjects: Darwinism vs. Creationism, and attacking Pamela Geller. It's getting old for me.

  6. Johnson and his Lizard -'army' represents the 'do nothing' brigades. His echo chamber of canniballistic sycophants is no different from the Koz kidz.

    They are neither here nor there. To compliment them with the 'right wing' label would elevate infantile behavior to adolescent mischief makers.

  7. M. Bouffant -- it is anything but "the same crap".

    When was the last time someone chopped off a head to the sound of "Jesus be praised" ... as opposed to "Allahu Akbar"???

    We Christian social conservatives respect life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness ... in stark contrast to the capricious, Draconian worldview of the relative few Ishmael's descendants who have the will to impose such a worldview upon others.

    Get. A. Clue.

    And John ... Glenn Beck is hardly "fringe", except in the mind of those who think they are "progressive" when in fact they are not.

    Seeking the "center" of consensus at the expense of sound principle is the way of the lemming, and leads to the same end. The reason the GOP got sacked is because they forsook their principles and became Democrat Lite. People had no reason to vote FOR many of them.

    However, as we have seen in our history before, when leaders come forward and stand on the foundation of principle, people will follow ... and stand by them.

    OTOH, when leaders are built upon the foundation of popular culture, they are continually at risk of having that foundation washed out from under them.

    Maybe you should talk to Mr. Obama about HIS paths ... and his foundations ...

  8. Hey Richie boy,

    HIstory doesn't start at the point of your own convenience. The british colonialists use Christianity as a tool of manipulation in their world domination quests. And one need not dig deep in the books of history to find examples of Christian influenced brutality.

    .........But to people like you that only see the one side of every coin, it is a difficult chore I presume.

  9. And isn't it ironic that as a fundie Christian, you have the gaul to call other people "lemmings"!

    Have you checked the lemmings hiding in your own back yard buddy?

    The bible belt has got plenty of them lemmings and appparently not enough cliffs (unfortunately).

  10. tomas ...

    ... that would be "used", not "use", for we have learned from the errors of that history; today even the most fundamentalist missionaries are far more culturally respectful than what you are describing ...

    ... and scratch the surface of the earlier history of brutality you refer to, and you'll find that the perps are always RINO -- Righteous In Name Only, with any resemblance to the practice of Christianity in accordance with the Founder's principles being purely coincidental ...

    ... not to mention that even such as these are mere pikers when it comes to brutality, compared to the 20th-century atheist parade -- Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and those junior-league thugs Saddam & Sons.

    And as for being "lemmings" ... only in your mind. If we truly were lemmings, there'd be only one church in the local phonebook ... not to mention more instances of the original drinking-of-the-Kool-Aid.

    Apparently the doctrines of soul competency and the "Priesthood of the Believer" are under your radar.

    As is the lemminglike behavior that led many to put their faith in a temporal Messiah who is definitely not living up to the hype, simply because he induced leg-tingling within them by his words ... and has led many before that to place letting-the-good-times-roll over responsible living (social and economic), then demanding that the responsible pay for their rehab (social and economic).

  11. tomas you muppet, Catholicism is not Christianity and has never was, they're heathen just like you.
    They're your family. So don't come with the Crusades/Inquisition straw man.

    Also perhaps you should change name from Tomas to something that is not so Biblical like Mumbutu or some other heathen name like Wulf.
