Saturday, April 25, 2009

Full Metal Saturday: Kristen Dalton

With most of the attention on the Carrie Prejean controversy this week, it's been easy to overlook the accomplishments of the winner of the Miss USA contest, Kristen Dalton of North Carolina:

Actually Pirate's Cove reported on Ms. Dalton's win on Sunday, before the gay marriage brouhaha kicked up.

In any case, Ms. Dalton's a beautiful woman (
with a family of beauty contestants), and she managed to remain on the sidelines all week without throwing any fat on the fire.

So with that, let's start hitting the links with our Saturday "
Rule 5" roundup of greatest blogging hits.

Leading off, check out the impressive entry from Carol at No Sheeples Here!, "
In Shameless Pursuit Of Rule 5 Sunday For April 26, 2009." See also, TrogloPundit's entry, "Rule 5, big-hearted entrepreneurism, and supporting the troops!"

For some hilarious anti-Rule 5 blogging, see the gruesome comparison of the "two Janets" at Snooper Report (Janet Napolitano and Janet Reno, and sorry, but, ughh!).

Also fun is Suzanna Logan's, "
Torture a Terrorist for Less Than a Dollar!." And get some advice on coffee drinking from Stogie at Saber Point, "The Perils of Caffeine: or How Stogie Upped His Game."

For more subdued blogging, check Obi's Sister's, "
Sad Saturday Georgia Round-up."

In political news, see Moe Lane, "
Liz Cheney breaks Norah O’Donnell on ‘torture’ discussion," as well as Skye at Midnight Blue, "Pelosi Lied, Terrorists Died." And the related post from Darleen at Protein Wisdom, "The late great (free) America."

Plus, Joseph at Valley of the Shadow, "I do not believe the Democrats regarding the Torture Memos: Prove me wrong." And Dan Riehl, "Obama: Just Another Liberal Hack Politician."

And for great blogging news,
Jimmy at Sundries Shack reports that Elizabeth Scalia of The Anchoress will now be writing at First Things. Congratulations!

Now, I NEED TO PUT THIS IN CAPITALIZED ITALICS, because I owe my new friend
Jehuda at The Rhetorican some big-time linkage!

Plus, check out my regular reader and occasional commenter,
Chris Wysocki, who is blogging up a storm in New Jersey; and don't forget Dave at Point of a Gun!

Ken Davenport has been finding time between business and family for some quality blogging, so check him out! And Pundette's eschewed her Saturday roundup, but the "NASA image of Saturn" makes up for it!

Last but not least, check out Courtney at
GrEaT sAtAn"S gIrLfRiEnD!

E-mail me for inclusion in upcoming roundups, and if I missed anyone, just give me a holler!


  1. Wait a minute, she looks EXACTLY like Miss California! This is a Stepford Wives competition!

    Who would have thought that a Miss America contest would be political...

  2. Who would have thought that a Miss America contest would be political...>

    It wouldn't have been if that homonazi Perez Hilton had not been involved.


  3. Dave: I actually agree with you there.

  4. Tim: Don't you have some gay blogs you want to commune with? I'm sure you have more in common with them than you do conservative beauty contestants.

  5. she managed to remain on the sidelines all week without throwing any fat on the fire. It's not like she has a lot to spare to begin with..

    someone toss her a slice of pizza..

  6. Donald: If ever I need to research gay porn, I'll just check out your site. You always seem to be linking to them for some reason. Can't quite figure out why...

  7. Tim, that JBW's gig. Just commenting on "How to Get a Blogger Content Warning," and all of you guys freaked from your own homophobia.

    You're just awful...

  8. You just keep telling yourself that, Donald...

    People are pickin' up what you're puttin' down... You doth protest too much, and we all know what it likely means...

  9. "People are pickin' up what you're puttin' down..."

    Cool, Reppy, then they're realizin' the full extent of your nihilist barebacker gay radical agenda.

    Notice how none of you have a problem with folks like Alex the gay, whose behavior is representative of folks like Andrew Sullivan, who's on your blogroll ... differential moralities on the left, I guess.

  10. Cool, Reppy, then they're realizin' the full extent of your nihilist barebacker gay radical agenda. ---

    If that's the bedtime story you have to tell yourself to make it through another night, you go right ahead... It's not like you'll ever do more than accuse...

    Notice how none of you have a problem with folks like Alex the gay, whose behavior is representative of folks like Andrew Sullivan, who's on your blogroll...---
    Donald the query, not only don't we care about your new buttboy Alex, we think your obsession with him, and the herculean lengths to which you've gone in an effort to make something out of this guilt by association, by association story you're weaving makes you look and sound more ridiculous than usual. But once you get some fool idea in your head, nothin' will stop you from pushing it to the limit, no matter the consequences to you or your reputation.

    JBW's blog contains a link to the homepage of a site in favor of increasing atheist visibility, on which there is a link to their blogroll, containing 1290 blogs. "Alex the gay's" blog is on that list (#56), and according to your theory, is therefore JBW's gay lover, the illegitimate stepson of everyone on JBW'S blogroll, AND has somehow splashed a little of "teh gay" onto Tim, who as far as I know, has never been to anyone's blog but yours...

    Donald, this "Alex the gay" meme you've created is a fitting metaphor for all that you've become... ...and professor, it's sad.

    differential moralities on the left, I guess.Did you actually read the article, or are you just going off uninformed and half-cocked, again?

    Conservatives Live in a Different Moral Universe than Liberals-- And Here's Why It MattersInteresting theory--for those who can pull their heads out of their endlessly angry partisan asses long enough to think about it, anyway...

  11. After reading the comments, there is only one angry sounding person here and it's Reppy..

  12. You're certainly welcome to express that opinion, Dave... ...but whatever you choose to believe, I don't take much of what our friend Donald says seriously enough to be angry. He's been making these same silly accusations about those with whom he disagrees for the last few years, and has consistently shown he cannot back them when challenged to do so.

    This latest guilt by association meme is one of the more ridiculous ploys he's tried, but like his repeated chirpings of "nihilist," it becomes more humorous the closer one looks at it. I'll admit to feeling a little bad for laughing at him so much of the time, but the guy brings it on himself...

    No Dave... Where professor Douglas is concerned, angry is just about the last thing I am... But as I said at the outset, you're welcome to believe what you will.

  13. Nice try Don.

    Just know that we liberals support you no matter what your orientation.

    Can you honestly say that about your buddies on the right? The ones who support you in every other way?

    Think about it...

  14. My that is a nice picture of an All American, and one wonders why the Left wants to talk about gays instead, woman. Very pleasant to meet early in the morn. Probably, unlike the Troll Roll, has a personality and intelligence to boot.
    It must be the American and woman that causes your leftist trolls to change the subject. Keep up the good work Donald and you must be doing something right inorder to have the trolls be so prevalent. They spend so much time here as to cause one to suspect that they have very little traffic at their own blogs and probably get tired of mouthing the same drivel. Poor babies......

  15. Dennis pretty much covers it. Geez, you'd think this post wasn't about hot babes!

  16. I can't speak for everyone ignoring the pretty pictures, but I prefer my attractive, intelligent women live and in person... Since I've been blessed with a beautiful bride and a bunch of other attractive women running hither & yon through my daily life, the internet cheesecake you folks offer once a week doesn't make me all that hungry...

    Besides, I find the whole rule 5 thing to be a bait and switch ploy to get hits under false pretenses from people who really don't give a damn about most of the blogging that the sites offer... Tabloid papers, tv (and now blogs) are fine, but there's a reason they're not taken as seriously as legit news and opinion offerings.

    That, or maybe I'm just a fag, right?

    Enjoy the not-quite-softcore, but don't get carpel tunnel, gents...

  17. Oh and Dennis... Check the comments, and see who referenced "teh gay" first... (I'll give you a hint. It was Donald...)

    What do you think that means?
