Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Gathering Storm: The National Organization for Marriage

Here's the new advertisment from the National Organization for Marriage, "The Gathering Storm":

April 8, 2009 (Trenton, NJ) -- Today the National Organization for Marriage is launching a nationwide Religious Liberty Ad Campaign designed to raise awareness of the religious liberty implications of same-sex marriage legislation.

Already, Boston Catholic Charities has been denied its adoption agency license because of their religious beliefs concerning marriage and the welfare of children. A New Jersey church group has been denied property tax exemption because they cannot in good conscience permit civil union ceremonies in church facilities. And individual service providers have been forced to choose between their faith and their profession. Religious liberty experts have said that these sorts of conflicts just scratch the surface of what we are likely to see if same-sex marriage becomes widespread.
The secularist media establishment is already attacking the ad campaign. The Hot Sheet has posted a screed entitled, "$1.5 Million Spent On Anti-Gay Marriage Ad." With less hysteria, Ben Smith at The Politico joins in with, "New campaign fights same-sex marriage."

More at


  1. At this rate, it'll be illegal to have faith in anything but Obama.

  2. My heart bleeds.

    The religious right are such cry babies. It's now getting pathetic.

    And yes, attack Obama, because he is at the forefron of this whole movement.

    Still wanting to know how this affects my marriage...any answers?


  4. And for the record, that is the lamest ad I have ever witnessed. Thanks for posting Donald! At first I couldn't tell if it was from SNL or not.

    There is a gathering storm...

    Of stupidity.

  5. ....My heart bleeds....

    No shit Tim!! We already knew that. Why do you think we call you assholes "bleeding heart liberals?"

    Don, your clip has already been scuttled.

  6. Thanks AA. I'm guessing you are one of the cry babies who are scared their rights and freedoms are being taken by the gays.

    Maybe it's time to go read your end-times literature, stock up on bottled water and move to Utah. And don't forget your AK-47s.

  7. Why does anyone pay the least amount of attention to Tim, JWB, repsac or DLB/ They say exactly the same thing each time and most of it lacks the capability to present a rational argument for their position. They exist for one reason and that is to shut down debate.
    I ignore everything they write. That is what the scroll bar if for. They are leftist brownshirts!
    They define themselves well everything they use stupidity. It is what they most fear about themselves.
    Have at it brownshirts because I DO NOT value your opinion which someone else obviously had to relate to you. How much you getting for commenting on conservative sites?

  8. Anonymous: You obviously haven't read a Rich Casebolt post! (Sorry Rich, I couldn't resist.)

    Actually, I have made the case for gay marriage, but no one has made a single point against it other than "we don't like it, it's not traditional."

    And that, my friend, is not an argument. It's an opinion.

  9. You guys call yourselves conservative. But I think you're like the pro-War congressmen and Bush admin officials who never served. Well, I voted for Goldwater, and (to my everlasting shame), Nixon - once. (I'd been at sea, and saw only the Dem's Chicago convnetion and Daley - if I'd seen Tricky's fake "town hall" meetings, I'd have voted Peace and Freedomn or somethin - I couldn't stomach Hubert). And unlike those chickenhawks like Saxby Chambliss or Newt Gingrich, I served, got shot at and hit, and got a Silver Star and Purple Heart.

    So, coming from there, let me say you wusses disgust and amaze me. My wife and I have been married over 30 years and don't feel our marriage is threatened by a few queers getting married. You right wing so-called Christiand are the real sissies and suckers, too. The right is taking you and your churches for a ride to line their own pockets.

  10. Brownshoe: Way to kick ass and take names.

