Monday, April 20, 2009

I Wish They All Could Be California Girls!

Just look at Perez Hilton's face at the end of the video, where he asks Miss California, Carrie Prejean, "whether she believed in gay marriage":

Here's the quote:

"We live in a land where you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite. And you know what, I think in my country, in my family, I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offense to anybody out there, but that's how I was raised."
Here's the first comment at the story from Australia's Daily Telegraph:

Can someone tell me what she said wrong? She was asked for her opinion and she gave it. Would they prefer it if she had lied?
Well, actually, they would have preferred that she toe the line to the secular progressive gay totalitarian agenda.

Go Miss California! Whoo!

I'm beating Memeorandum to this story, but we'll see some outrage later today, because
this woman has got it going on!


UPDATE: There's now a thread on this at Memeorandum.


  1. Great post -- she's beautiful and principled and you can bet the left is going to pull a total "Joe the Plumber" on her...

    Nice scoop Donald!

  2. Perez Hilton - the guy who made a name for be a smarky gossip - was a judge in the Miss USA pageant? I had no idea the standards were that low.

  3. She is indeed beautiful but if you mean by "pull a total 'Joe the Plumber'" that we'll expose that she's less qualified or edumucated to discuss politics intelligently than she is to smile, look hot and wave then you're probably right. She's a beauty contest contestant, for Christ's sake.

    Not to take anything away from the man, I'm sure he snakes a great drain...

  4. Good looks and Good mind. What a gal.

  5. ....Or JBW, maybe he drains snakes for a living, but uses right-wing nutjob speak as a cover up?

    Sorry, had to get that one in :)

  6. Perez Hilton is a homo-nazi.

    'Nuff said.


  7. So - contestants are graded, not for their poise and for being articulate, but for the "correctness" of their answers? Man am I disillusioned.

  8. I could go for a good snake draining right about now, CS. Or maybe one of those right-wing nutjobs you mentioned.

  9. She was asked her opinion and she gave it and then was penalized for it? Was she supposed to lie? That's a good quality for miss America... that she stands up for her beliefs! Good for her.

  10. Givler, shoprat: You're making the same mistake you're accusing the left of making--judging the "correctness" of the answer rather than how the contestant presented it.

    Miss California's answer was neither "poised" nor "articulate". Case in point: wtf is "opposite marriage"? Her answer doesn't even make sense: It's great that we live in a country where we can choose, but you shouldn't be able to choose to marry someone of the same sex?

  11. Let's be completely honest in a non-partisan and totally sexist manner: it's a beauty contest. If they ain't hot, then who the hell cares what they think because they ain't up on that stage to say it in the first place, right?

    Talking to these vapid plastic dolls is as useless as having them display their "talent". Put on an evening gown, then put on a bikini and then maybe do something interesting with a ping pong ball and let's call it a night.

    We're not handing out MacArthur Genius Grants here, fellas...
