Sunday, April 26, 2009

Israeli Women Soldiers

Via Glenn Reynolds, Rachel Papo offers a compelling photo gallery of Israeli women soldiers:


  1. Interesting photos, Dr. Douglas.

    About a year or so ago, posted a series of pics called Women of the IDF, which has (sadly) been taken down since.

    It was hard to miss, actually, because my email inbox had about 8 links to it that my friends had sent me.

    LOL-I posted the link over at NB, and several of my friends there were about ready to pack up, move to Israel, and join the IDF.

    This was one of the pics in the set:


  2. Thank you so much for this! We need images like this in the United States today for our children. Liberals cannot seem to get a grasp the tormented history of the Jews, the real underdogs; something important for the left. It reminds me of Enduring Freedom attack and the satisfaction I had in relating to my daughters the fitting irony of some of our American young lady jet fighter pilots raining down assaults on the Taliban.
