Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Carrie Prejean Will Keep Miss California Crown

Here's the latest Carrie Prejean news, at the Los Angeles Times, "Miss California Will Keep Title, Trump Decides."

But note that the Times joined the "
yellow fever" bandwagon with this morning's frontpage story, "Miss California USA Pageant is Rocked on its High Heels."

Ever since Miss California Carrie Prejean declared onstage last month at the Miss USA Pageant that she believed gay people should not have the right to marry, she has battled her critics in TV interviews, been championed by groups opposed to same-sex marriage and pretty much eclipsed the woman who beat her to become the reigning Miss USA.

(Does anyone even remember what state the winner was from?)

But that's nothing compared to what Prejean did to the Miss California organization. She hijacked it, the organizers said, for her own message.

"Up to now, we've just been riding along as a passenger on this runaway train," Keith Lewis, co-executive director of the Miss California USA pageant, said Monday morning at a news conference at the Peninsula Hotel in Beverly Hills. "But that ends today."

And with that, the organizers labeled her a rogue Miss California and, well, ostracized her. They don't have the authority to dethrone her. That power lies only with Donald Trump, the owner of the Miss Universe and Miss USA pageant system. He is scheduled to weigh in on the brouhaha today at a news conference in New York.
Keith Lewis deserves the "shame," not Carrie Prejean.

Gay Patriot notes, via R.S. McCain:

... why do so many gay lefties use the word "shame" to describe the actions of their ideological adversaries? . . . Why can't these people show some class, some grace, in confronting their adversaries? Why must they adopt so harsh a tone and so vitriolic a vocabulary?"
As for Carrie Prejean, Stacy's got new topless photos from TMZ this morning, "Latest 'Carrie Prejean Nude' News Update."

More at Memeorandum. See, especially, JammieWearingFool, "How Convenient: More Racy Carrie Prejean Photos Surface."


  1. Great decision, the left is simply rabidly against conservative values. They had no business doing what they did to her. Leftists defend all sorts of nasty stuff and feel they can say some of the nastiest things, and this young woman was made into a voodoo doll for all of their hate? Get a life!
    The only hypocrites in this debate, were those who wouldn't allow for her to have her own opinion; and gave her such a difficult time in the last few weeks.
    Trump just edged up a notch in my books with his answer. It's what we were saying all along, this is exactly how the president feels, and how anyone else should be allowed to feel. It's their right!
