Saturday, May 23, 2009

Eric “Mancow” Muller: The Biggest Pussy

You know, I watched the video, and I've got to say: If you're going to talk tough, you should be tough. And Eric "Mancow" Muller is not so tough.

The lefties love him, though. He's more popular than Rock Hudson at a West Hollywood coming out party.

But let's be clear. It's easy to see why Muller would gladly agree to have water poured over his face? He wouldn't be permanently maimed. He'd still have all of his fingernails, not to mention his fingers. No one would be gouging his eyes, nor slicing off his tongue. His arms would not be pressed into a wood-shredder.

And here's this, from
John Hawkins:

Waterboarding is hardly torture. It does not maim, cause permanent physical damage,or result in death. It merely simulates the sensation of drowning and having no control over your ability to end the encounter for very brief periods of time. Khalid Sheik Mohammed was subjected to this interrogation technique and was able to resist much longer than would have been expected from an individual who had not been trained to resist waterboarding. This is an indication that our enemies are being prepared for the possibility of being captured.


  1. Step right up and give it a try.

  2. Dear Mr. Douglas: There's also Christopher Hitchens who says it is torture. It's worth noting that civilians who undergo waterboarding (Hitchens, Muller) say it is torture, while those in military training say it is not. Perhaps the toughness of the military ethos makes the difference. Certainly most civilians are not in a position where they are likely to be waterboarded, and hence have less reason to resist. But deciding to undergo the procedure to see what it is like is greatly in their favor, I think. Walking a mile in the other flellow's shoes etc. I think it is to their credit that both Muller and Hitchens tried it.

    Sincerely yours.
    Gregory Koster

  3. Why don't any of these guys use cellophane? It's in the memos that they used cellophane so water wouldn't get in.

    If you're gonna condemn EIT, do it right!

  4. Douglas,

    The pro-war, any war crowd needs a REAL man to prove that waterboarding isn't torture.

    That man is you. You can show off your macho-ness and patriotism at the same time. Take the Jesse Ventura challenge, and prove Mancow wrong.

    Dare ya.

  5. Gentlemen,

    I don't think he's going to answer us.

    So much for his vow to "defend my positions vigorously." Looks more like "sidestep embarrassing posts quickly" to me.
