Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The GOP and Moderates

Rick Moran on the Republican Party coalition, at Pajamas Media:

The fact that there are many in the party who actually think it a good idea to shrink the GOP by subtracting less conservative, less ideological, more moderate members is incomprehensible. In the minority already, draining the Republican Party of anyone who fails to demonstrate what many conservative activists determine as sufficient enthusiasm for their agenda strikes me as madness.

It’s not that the activists don’t have a point. Tossing aside conservative principles and running candidates who offer little in the way of contrast to the Democrats would be useless. But at the same time, there has got to be some recognition that the party must expand beyond the 30% or so of the electorate who identify themselves as “conservative.” Otherwise, you condemn the GOP to permanent minority status — a regional, monochromatic grouping that would exist largely in the south and pockets of the Midwest and Mountain West.
Read the whole thing, here.

Moran suggests that Jack Kemp would be "drummed out of the conservative movement today" for his moderate positions on immigration and race. That may be so on legalization, although I hardly think that home ownership for black Americans is a moderate position. Geez, why don't some of the base conservatives start talking up some of the former HUD Secretary's proposals? Kemp was light years ahead of his time. We could use more people like him.

P.S.: Moran doesn't really answer this question: If the GOP becomes "pro-choice, or pro-gay marriage, or pro-amnesty," why will moderates choose the Republicans over the Democrats?


  1. Excellent Piece!!

    And having Specter jump overboard only helps. In the long run, Specter's absence will help in raising money because he allows the party to put forth a consistent brand. Defining the 'big tent' was difficult. Defining conservatism - free markets, freedom of behavior, etc., will be much easier.

    For more on why Specter's defection should please the GOP, you can hit:


  2. Even if the GOP , ammends, and opens a front For Gay-Marriage, Legalized Abortions and Pro- Amnesty....

    All for the sake of staying competetive.....

    It will be seen as just that....meaningless, a day late and a dollar short....so dont think there wont be a pound of flesh required too...

    And what will that pound of flesh be?

    It will be the complete denunciation, rejection and Tar and Feathering of the Neo-Con movement and any politician that wants to espouse it as a philosophy....

    I say this as a strategist, my friends...Dr. the Neo-Con, will be overtly marginalized (its already happening)....

    the question will then be... " In its Marginalization and eventual Demonization.....do neo-cons adopt a more "Radical", Extremist Al-Queida like philosophy to be based in an "American Style" Rigid Connection to a Cultural Past.....rejecting the future in any and all its forms....?

    Here's a defense....Dont give the mods the opportunity to bastardize the Neo-Con... Go third Party Right Now!
    Seriously, its the only way you will be able to define yourself (instead of some mod doing it) define the Neo-con Party....seperate from the GOP "ball of confusion".....let it explode....while the Neo-cons, lay low, sit back, keep your existing seats.......and wait.

    (I cant believe I just gave that away for free)

  3. The right wing of the party is the heart and soul without it you have nothing. There needs to be a clear choice.
