Tuesday, May 12, 2009

MSNBC's David Shuster: Carrie Prejean Makes Me Want to "Vomit"

David Shuster at MSNBC pretty much captures the total Prejean derangement that's taken over the left in the wake of this whole gay-totalitarian controversy:

I know a good many conservatives are just sick with the attacks on this woman, but The Anchoress strikes gold with her post, "Prejean: Cautionary Tale for Christians:

In America, we should not be watching a person endure character assassination and the possible loss of livelihood because she has committed the sin of daring to hold a “politically incorrect” position. Prejean was asked a question and she answered it. In America, once upon a time, the people who referred to themselves as “liberal” believed that one was entitled to one’s opinion and to full respect for it. Currently in America, every diversity is celebrated except the diversity of thought. Sadly, some in the nation have decided that thuggery, rather than respectful, reasonable argument, is a more expedient means of persuasion. They think “agree, or be destroyed” is a legitimate argument, as is its flip-side; “shut up to be safe.”
Be sure to read the whole thing, and check the links too!

See also, Alexander Burns, "
Donald Trump on Miss California: Same as Barack Obama" (via Memeorandum).


  1. "Classical" liberals have been replaced by left-wing fascists

    If you say anything deemed to be "politically incorrect" by the left, it is no-longer enough for them to just publicly denounce you, they now will viciously go after your livelihood and attempt to destroy you.

    Look at what the left is still trying to do to Gov. Palin.

    We are almost to the point in this nation where even a minor disagreement with the left will result in a volley of "hate speech" charges being flung at whoever dares to cross them.

    In the Land of Oz, "tolerance" is a decidedly one-way street.


  2. That was an entertaining clip. Everyone getting their knickers in a twist.

    Ms. Prejean, I have to give her credit--even though she's a classic bimbo, she's recieved waaaaaay more attention than whoever WON Miss America! (I have no idea who did, unless I Google it. I think she was from one of the Carolinas?)

    So yes, in essence, Miss California is really Miss America.

    Glad we still have the right to criticize, Dave. No?

  3. Shuster makes any patriotic American want to toss his/her cookies, and a bimbette named Contessa Brewer on MSNBC is now mimicking Jimmy Kimmel lookalike Shuster---except Kimmel makes more sense even when he's cracking jokes.

    Shuster probably has Excitable Andy Sullivan's attitude toward independent women anyway---you know, the kind who actually marry and bear children while retaining their moral character and human values.

    MSNBC now looks like Orwell's Animal Farm with each cable anchor trying to be Napoleon [the barnyard ruler who happened to be a pig.]

  4. Wow Tim, just showing your inherent sexism right out there in front. Now how would you know she is a bimbo. I would posit on any test for intellect she would out score you, and a large number of leftists, by at least 500 points.
    Every time you indulge in name calling you just embarrass yourself. Can you actually make a comment without casting aspersions? I know it would probably tax your vocabulary, but it might be worth a try.
