Friday, May 15, 2009

New York Times, Nation's "Paper of Record," Rejects Frontpage Coverage of Pelosi Scandal

The Hill's lead headline this morning blares "Storm Center Over Pelosi" (frontpage image here). And today's Washington Post features a couple of A1 stories, "Accusations Flying in Interrogation Battle: Pelosi Says CIA Misled Congress on Methods," and "Speaker's Comments Raise Detainee Debate to New Level."

So, how about the nation's "unofficial newspaper of record"? Nope, Nancy Pelosi's allegations of CIA lies and deception don't rate the frontpage:

In fact, the Times clearly hopes this story goes away, and fast. They've buried their coverage deep inside the front section, at page A20, "Pelosi Says She Knew of Waterboarding by 2003." And the editorial page makes no mention of Washington's biggest news at the op-ed page.

The Los Angeles Times is no better, relegating
its coverage of Pelosi to page A15.

In contrast, the Wall Street Journal features a major A3 story, "
Pelosi and CIA Clash Over Contents of Key Briefing." And today's lead editorial at the Journal hammers the Speaker, "Pelosi's Self-Torture."

While there's some suggestion of "
yellow journalism" in the media of late, we might also see the Pelosi scandal as again substantiating the rise of a new partisan press.


UPDATE: If I didn't know better, I'd think the Weekly Standard was reading American Power! See John McCormack's nearly identical post, "Pelosi Accuses CIA of Lying, the NYT Reports . . . on Page A-18."


cracker said...

I wonder if she was Bush Cheney's Ace in the hole?

Remember when she kept exclaiming "there will be no move for impeachment"

She blocked impeachment, not for the sake of the Country, but for the sake of her own skin.....?

this after their was more motivation to do this in Congress than there had ever been for Clinton,....and yet He (Clinton) was impeached.

Brilliant....Ace in the hole...or am I way off base here?

Snooper said...

That's why I call it the New York Slimes.

Out in "the field" we used the Slimes as TP.

AmPowerBlog said...

Snooper! You're craking me up!

a.k.a. Blandly Urbane said...

One of the pieces we fail to understand in her argument (granted she likes to confuse things for us like the president does), is that she is talking about a "truth" commission for the Bush Administration. She is very clear that she does not mean herself or any of her allies (slimes, LA times, uber-Liberals in general...); viewed through this lens she makes sense, doesn't she?

Can you imagine what a source of information the msm would be if they just did their jobs...mind-bloggling

Dave said...

The Newspaper of Wreckage is now nothing more than over-priced birdcage liner.

Personally, I wouldn't allow my dog to relieve himself on that worthless paper.


AmPowerBlog said...

Thanks for visiting, Urbane One!

AmPowerBlog said...

It's pretty bad, Dave. I love reading the newspapers too...

PrivatePigg said...

Donald - You post this information like it is news or something ;) I am completely not surprised.

It galls me that other media sites don't just brazenly call out the Gray Lady, or whatever her stupid name is, for her bias. Why can a big blog reads by thousands, or hundreds of thousands, point out that the NYT buries articles that frame liberals in a poor light? Why can't the Wall Street Journal, beyond writing critical essays about the issues themselves, actually run an op-ed that points out how every big anti-liberal story is run on the back pages?

I wish a blogger would do that, too. Rather than point out random events here and there, I'd love to see a comprehensive "study" that documents the 100 largest anti-liberal stories and the fact that 70% were beyond page 2 on the NYT, while every anti-GOP story, even non-major ones, made the front page. Of course, who has the time? The NYT knows we don't.

Dennis said...


I suspect that many papers have too much to lose by pointing out the NYTimes duplicity. One could easily point out that many of those papers run the NYTimes articles in their paper and they would be in the same position that Pelosi finds herself.
These papers have to know after years of doing this that the NYTimes has a bias that colors everything they do. How do they explain their acquiescence to outright lies and dissembling?
Anyone who gets their news from only the print media and does not take the time to research that news is a very poor example of a citizen who takes their responsibilty seriously. The only part of any newspaper that has any real value is the comics and the OP-ED sections for they are clearly defined as to what they are and what they hope to accomplish. One is humor and the other is to influence how you see various issues.
Sadly, our form of government requires an informed citizenry who will take the extra time and effort to be conversant with the issues of the day, but alas what we have are large numbers of people who just cannot take the time to understand even the easiest of issues.
Would we have so many Leftists if they took the time to understand all of the ramifications of any issues and how that works it way through a society? I think not.
Freedom is an interesting idea for those that have it seem not to respect it and what it takes to keep it and those who do not want it.