Thursday, May 28, 2009

Obama Wussies Out on Backing Prop 8 Challenge

Allahpundit has the video of President Obama's DNC fundraiser at L.A.'s Beverly Hilton.

Not surprisingly, Obama wussied out on endorsing the challenges to Proposition 8. The Los Angeles Times

Speaking to a well-heeled audience of campaign donors in Beverly Hills, Obama was strikingly upbeat and assured. He said he would stack his first four months in office against any president going back as far as Franklin D. Roosevelt.

"I'm confident in the future," Obama said. "I'm not yet content" ....

The enthusiasm inside the Beverly Hilton was palpable -- the president was greeted with repeated ovations -- and the payoff was handsome: between $3 million and $4 million in contributions to the Democratic National Committee.

But Obama notably sidestepped two of the biggest issues facing California: He said nothing about the state's disastrous financial condition or the issue of same-sex marriage, which heated up Tuesday when the state Supreme Court upheld Proposition 8, a measure banning the practice.

Outside the hotel, about 200 demonstrators chanted and carried flags and protest signs, many urging Obama to take a stronger stand in favor of gay rights.

"The president made a promise when he made his speech about hope," said Rick Jacobs, one of the protest organizers. "I bought that promise and I still buy that promise, but it's time for him to start fulfilling that promise for all Americans."


  1. No surprise here. As a candidate, Mr Obama said that he favored some form of civil unions statute, but not same-sex marriage. I think that many of our friends on the left thought that was just a campaign ploy, and that he was really on their side all along. Well, maybe he is, but he's got another campaign coming up in 2012, so even if he does agree with them, he won't until he's safely re-elected -- or, hopefully, safely defeated!

  2. You guys still Dont get it.

    The president is a conservative. He's basically GW without Cheney or a religious right leash.

    You goofs are slamming him for not taking a stand against prop 8?
    Obama will protect the definition of marriage fellas, and if you dont understand his methodology, then maybe you need to step away from the computer and go back to pulling the wings off flies.

    Mark my words, you will vote for the skinny black guy in 12

    he's the best thing that ever happened for conservatives.

  3. Don, you can't wussy out because wussy is a noun. One wusses out, and that one is then a wussy for doing so. Ask your kids.

    The years are adding up, huh? Snap.
