Tuesday, June 2, 2009

American Power Hate Mail: "Neocons are Homosexual"

It's been some time since I've gotten any "American Power Fan Mail."

But I just got some "hate mail" in the comments right now. I had this asshole blocked with Haloscan on my previous blog, but Blogger's comments come right through unless moderation is enabled.

despicable slur can be found at my earlier post, "The Left's Misogynistic Hatred:"

All neocons are gay.
They follow a gay ideology.
They are the vanguards of gayness.

"Duh troops" are fighting for the very "freedom" of homo "rights" and other degenerate "rights". It is a homosexual war to turn the musilman sheep herder into a capitalist metrosexual. Such a war is gay.

Donald Douglas is the gayest blogger ever.
Anyone who uses the words "John Galt" is a homo.

This is the empirical, objective truth. No bias.

Your wife and child are in your head. Never any mention of them on "Burkean reflections". They suddenly appeared when Sullivan-the-Gay negged your "Chosen" Israel, and the hawt jewish males who inhabit it, the neocon's world's most precious resource. Your "fambly": they're fake. They don't exist. Neocons are homosexual.

You are a dark skinned tanning bed queen Donald. You are a cuban cabana boy, a bathhouse turk. Anything but a white-racist anglo-saxon man, the heart of any true conservatism.
Geez, this is almost as good as Michelle Malkin's hate mail!


  1. Mmmm. Hawt Jewish males. Yummy.

    I'm a bit disappointed in your troll; could you maybe recruit a better class of hater?

    For a fee, I'd troll your site--and I could do a MUCH BETTER JOB. ;)

  2. Thanks Attila. What's your rates?

  3. I kind of like your troll for he demonstrates the corruption of intellect that describes the Left. What better example of the depravity that is the left. As I have already stated, "The left is where you see hatred, bigotry, et al.

  4. Me, I kind of like "a dark skinned tanning bed queen." There's some thought behind that one, though it was probably plagiarized.

    And hey, I told you to switch over to WordPress! They can import your entire site, so you won't lose a thing -- though you might have to do some work on getting the ads right -- and you can moderate by the word.

  5. "Thanks Attila. What's your rates?"

    See, now I feel like a sucker: I come here to make fun of Don and you other righties for free all the time. What a jip! I need a better business model.

    Dennis, you're getting better with your hate and your anti-intellectual comments but your crazy levels are still not as high as I'd like to see them. Have Dave take you under his wing for a bit. Once you're performing at an advanced level might I suggest some post-doc study: See Explosion, Grace.

    And you're right Dana, the "dark skinned tanning bed queen" line was a poetic gem amongst some fairly crappy prose.

  6. Dr.D,
    That's some classic stuff right there. If he's serious about that stuff he wrote he should be a Gitmo detainee. If he got that out of his cranium, he's sick on a Stephen King level.

  7. Don't go to Wordpress! Go to Squarespace!

    Trolls are good for dropping a Pelosi once in a while, if ya know what I mean.

    Those of you that have been in the Sandbox know EXACTLY what I mean.

  8. You must have pissed him off real good. What ever, you must have done something RIGHT!

  9. JBW,

    Only holding up the mirror to your face so you can see what you look and sound like. Love to throw the high fast inside ones, but cannot stand it yourself.
    Please, when you try deceiving others the only one you deceive is yourself. That you even consider yourself as a critic of intellectualism is a laugh in itself. My, don't you think very highly of yourself.
    The fact that you use the word hate is rather indicative of your own predilections for I do not hate because it is a waste of time and only hurts the hater. I would not waste my time on hating you for you are not worth it and why give you the negative reinforcement you so dearly want.
    Nice try though at transference and thinking you stand above others. It is why I think of you as the Left's "Snidely Whiplash." Ah, the sneer as commentary.

  10. JBW,

    Many times when one needs to get the attention of someone one needs to use some device to draw them in. What better device than to use their own comments repackaged with a few words change here and there.
    I have used your words and style on several occasions waiting for you to bite. You are predictable.
    One day you might try addressing the issues and not attacking those who disagree with you. Then one might believe that you have those self alleged "rhetorical skills" you always brag about. An aside here is that those who have to tout or brag about some attribute usually do not possess that which they speak or are insecure in that ability. It comes under the heading of those who do do and those who do not TALK.
    You have a choice of either returning to the sneer or actually attempting to sway people with rational well reasoned commentary. I've done my part by holding up the mirror.
    Maybe someday you might actually learn that most of us want the same things only our approaches to problem solutions are different. On many issues a synergy of various concepts and approaches will lead to solutions that help the most individuals without any qualifiers.

  11. Congrats, Dr. D.

    Its like Neal Boortz says, if you aren't getting hate mail, then you're not doing it right.

    Just think of it as the blogger equivalent of making Kiethie's "Worst Person's" list.

    And as one of my NewsBusters friends likes to say, we need a better class of troll here.


  12. Oh no, Dennis Do-Right has used my own words and style against me and I totally took the bait! "I'll get you yet, Dennis Do-Right!", he shouted menacingly from behind his black cape, twirling his moustache even more menacingly than he just shouted.

    Seriously though guy, if I made thoughtless, blanket statements like this:

    "I kind of like your troll for he demonstrates the corruption of intellect that describes the Right. What better example of the depravity that is the Right. As I have already stated, "The right is where you see hatred, bigotry, et al. Everyone on the Right rapes puppies while everyone on the Left is super cool."

    I'd be making fun of myself as much as I do you. And yes, I do think highly of myself but it's only a relative comparison. Oh, and I don't brag about my "rhetorical skills" I just lament the lack of them in people who write brilliant prose such as this:

    "Gee you think I can blame the Left for the killing of a military recruiter in Arkansas? Fair is Fair."

    Fair is totally fair, dude. I blamed Tiller's murder on the guy who committed it, while you're suggesting that Long's murder should be blamed on that amorphous entity you call "the Left".

    Understand, I'm not exactly trying to engage you in debate so much as just make fun of you for saying stupid shit. I tried debating several righties on this site for a long time and I was called every insulting name under the sun so you'll excuse me if I don't take a guy who uses the phrase "the evil that is leftism" very seriously.

    Start your own site and write something more intelligent than "the Left is evil and the Right is good" and I'll check it out. Until then: I've tied Nell Fenwick to a railroad track somewhere in the Canadian mountains. Good luck.
