Saturday, June 20, 2009

America's Republican Mullahs!

Just when you thought you'd seen it all - and Andrew Sullivan can do that for you - here comes Frank Schaeffer at the Huffington Post, "The Real Lesson of Iran - Beware America's Republican Mullahs":

When there are tens of thousands of Americans sitting in evangelical churches every Sunday wherein President Obama is vilified as an "abortionist," a "Communist," a "secret Muslim," and even as "the Antichrist," when the former vice president accuses our President of what amounts to treason, all because President Obama won't allow the torture of prisoners in an American version of holy war, all because he has decided it is wise to build bridges of respect to Muslim countries, we've left recognizable political territory and entered the realm of violence-inciting hate and delusion of the kind Iran's "supreme leader" indulges in ...

Look at Iran and give thanks that the Republican Party - the tool of America's mullahs married to the Neocon war mongers - is in decline and has been rejected by the American people. Work to keep America secular, free and democratic.
This is over-over the top. Schaeffer's claim to fame, made repeatedly, is that he's a former member of "The Religious Right."

Weird stuff, but pretty much on par with what Sullivan's peddling. You've got to love the Huffington Post-Kos-Sullivan alliance!

Hat Tip: Hot Air Headlines.


  1. What a dumb ass. Can I say that here? We have JIMMY CARTER to thank for the current Iran. What a moron that wrote that excrement.

    Libtards. Attacking Christians and trying to blame others for what their own have done. They rewrite history and we cannot allow then to get away with that idiocy.

    Andrew Sullivan. A Charlie Johnson boil on his arse. I wonder if they sooth each other as well. Idiots.

  2. Mark, they attack Christians because they seek to make their own faith the EXCLUSIVE worldview in America.

    It is they ... not Christians, particularly evangelicals whose adoption of the "priesthood of the believer" is the first line of defense against theocracy in this nation ... who are emulating the theocrats.

  3. Thanks Rich!

    I just thing this Schaeffer guy is too damn much!
