Sunday, June 14, 2009

Andrew Sullivan's Anti-Mormon Bigotry

There's never any consistency to Andrew Sullivan. But that's to be expected from a man who may well be suffering from HIV-related dimentia. Here's a guy, after the passage of California's Proposition 8, who told anti-Mormon rioters to "chill." He's also recently written that his passion for gay-blogging arises not out of "a sense of victimhood." But on the Obama administration's recent defense of the federal DOMA, Sullivan sent this tweet:

This is typical for Sullivan's extremist attacks on "Christianists."

See also, William Jacobson, "
Anti-Mormonism Again In Gay Marriage Debate."
Related Hypocrisy: Frank Rich, "The Obama Haters’ Silent Enablers," via Memeorandum. And don't miss Dan Riehl's response, "Frank Rich In The New Pravda Times."


  1. This guy, Sullivan, is just crushed because he'll be taking harp lessons before a homosexual president is elected in yet another misguided spasm of "diversity".

  2. Sullivan already apologized for the mention of the man's religion long before you posted this Don, but don't worry: you'll skewer that HIV-ridden scumbag soon enough, tough guy.
