Friday, June 5, 2009

Democrats Play Politics With War Appropriations

Pathetic is the first word that comes to mind: "Democrats Postpone Action on War Bill":

Worried by their prospects in the House, Democrats postponed final action on a nearly $100 billion wartime spending bill until next week so as to buy more time for talks among lawmakers and the return of President Barack Obama from overseas.

The administration remains confident it can navigate between the conflicting pressures from the right and left. But for this confident young White House, which so prides itself on juggling many balls at once, the delay is a humbling reminder of just how complex the low-profile appropriations process can be.

Obama himself faces growing criticism for piling on new requests and not doing more to support his demands. Privately, officials now concede that the budget calendar put them at a disadvantage, forcing the new administration to submit its funding requests in April, even before its policies could be fully formed.

This was most embarrassingly true in the case of Obama’s plan to close the Guantanamo detention center. But in a single stroke, the same appropriations bill affects wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, a new alliance with Pakistan, the threat of pandemic flu, and complex civil liberties issues, such as whether the public should have access to damaging photos of post-Sept. 11 detainees held by the U.S. military.
Hat Tip: Memeorandum.


  1. The best way to describe Democrat foreign policy is 'childish.' Expecting to secure peace by being 'nice' and making others 'like you' is a tactic most learned didn't work back in the 3rd grade.

    Obama is even applying child-rearing tactics to solve the North Korea issue ( )

    The result is an increasingly exposed American homeland.

  2. Hello! Democrats have been using the troops as political pawns since they took over in '06. These despicable toadies ran on ending the war in Iraq. Since they control the purse strings, they could have refused to fund the war, thus ending it, had they the courage of their convictions. As we've seen, the steaming piles of excrement were just saying it to get elected, the using the troops. Talk about moral bankruptcy.
