Sunday, June 21, 2009

Down With Tyranny: Neocons Want "Blood Running in the Street"

It's not just Andrew Sullivan, Spencer Ackerman, and Frank Schaeffer spewing the most insane ravings of GOP demonization right now. Howie Klein's literally flipped his lid over the "neocons" who want "blood running in the streets" of Iran. Klein goes on about martyr Neda as if Americans killed her, then adds this:

This video is absolutely horrific and I don't recommend you watch it unless you're ready to shed some tears for our sisters and brothers in Tehran ...

While bloodthirsty vampires on the political right, your McCains, Pences, Liebermen and Cantors - whose only desire is to see blood running in the streets of Tehran - do whatever they can to inflame emotions and offer Iranian patriots false hope, the entire world is viscerally mourning for Neda. And Twitter is part of that at
#neda. Mousavi, no friend of the West by a long shot, says he's prepared for martyrdom - he tweeted it - but Neda is already dead. Unlike him, she never ordered the deaths of 30,000 political prisoners or funded Hezbollah. President McCain, President Graham, President Lieberman are wrong - always ... about everything. But it is their cranky, crackpot voices - voices Charles Pierce explains so very well in Idiot America - that dominate the incendiary, trivial, ratings-hungry mass media.

Wow, President McCain and Lieberman?

Sheesh. Howie Klein is exactly the kind of unhinged Bush hater Pamela Geller was talking about!

(P.S. Interestingly, Klein puts in a good word for Ron Paul, "America's Biggest Asshole," so you've really got to think for a moment about how the ideological alliances line up sometimes.)


  1. This is insane! Why are they saying that their beloved democrats are screaming for blood on foreign soil? Have they gone nuts?

  2. I read the fool's entire article and if they are in fact "down with tyranny", I have to wonder if they are "down with tyranny" or of they are against is. It seems to me that they are "down" with it.

  3. What will they do or say about the most recent development in regards to Sistani's support of Rafsanjani? Who will they blame then? Poor Obamatards, eh?

  4. OOPS! I forgot to classify the Obamatardic implosion has part of the liberal pathology.

  5. I just finished reading the idiot's article and all I can say is, that's a perfect example of why some animals eat their young.

  6. Because if they openly came out in support of the regime in Iran, teh one they've been in an "alliance-of-convenience" with for years now, the American public would shout them down in disgust.

    Seems they've learned their lesson after their Saddam advocacy debacle. Expect plenty of similar sideways support for the Ahmedinejad regime form Leftists, up until, just as with Saddam, the public he's afflicted and abused manages to catch and hang the bloody clod.

  7. This is stunning in its denial of any modicum of: "McCains, Pences, Liebermen and Cantors - whose only desire is to see blood running in the streets of Tehran - do whatever they can to inflame emotions and offer Iranian patriots false hope."

    Is the Left just about hate for the Right? "False hope?" Don't they want freedom for Iranian citzens? Where is the perspective?

  8. Why can't they just support the Iranian rioters like we do, without ideological strings?
