Sunday, June 7, 2009

Employee Forced Choice

Daily Kos has a big roundup on legislative developments on labor's "card check" agenda, "Employee Free Choice Act."

But don't miss Investor's Business Daily, "Card-Check Threat Alive And Well":

If you thought "card check" legislation that would kill off workers' right to a secret ballot is dead, think again. Despite public repudiation, it's back — with its advocates using sneakier tactics.

The Employee Free Choice Act would permit the establishment of new unions solely on the signatures of a company's employees, taken either on the fly or with union thugs standing in their doorways.

Besides denying workers a right to a secret ballot, "card check," as it's known, also forces federal arbitration onto companies for union contracts, ensuring that either unions dictate the wages they want or a federal bureaucrat will step in and do it for them based on politics, not economics.

It's a formula for disaster. This still-undead bill will shut plants, drive jobs abroad and ensure that few new jobs are ever created. Little wonder the public has turned a thumbs-down on it, and Congress has backed away. A recent Pew poll shows that 61% of Americans think labor unions have gotten too powerful.

But it hasn't stopped Big Labor. Card check remains its top goal, and instead of dropping a bad idea, it's switching tactics ....
Read the rest of the editorial, here.

See also, "
The Real Faces of EFCA."

Image Credit:
Union Facts.


  1. the statement, "[card check] would kill off workers' right to a secret ballot," is a canard.

    workers have, and would continue to have, the right to choose whether they want to use card check or a secret ballot. as i understand it, EFCA would take away employers ability to demand a secret ballot.

  2. I don't understand how taking away the secret ballot helps employees at all. And tell me how does it benefit employers?
    Secret ballots are dangerous HOW?
    A secret ballot, in my estimation is the safest way for employees to vote their choice, and an employer not know who voted for or against a union. Ditto the union.
    EFCA would force open voting, which means both union boss's and employers would know who voted for a union, or against; giving either of these two forces (unions and employers) an axe to grind with said employees.
    EFCA does not sound like it's in the best interest of employees!
    What's the mystery and why does anyone born in America and living with the freedom to make choices and vote their minds, promote EFCA?????

  3. The handling of the "strong unions" companies GM and Chrysler bankruptcies virtually guarantees that credit and capital will never again flow into a unionized company.

    So card check is another way to kill off profitable enterprises, and perhaps force them into being nationalized just to "save jobs".

    Soon every union will be a government employee union.
