Thursday, June 4, 2009

Fausta: "Reading Sotomayor’s Thesis"

Fausta Wertz offers an interesting entry, "Reading Sotomayor’s Thesis":

I spent this rainy afternoon at Princeton’s Mudd archives ... reading Sonia Sotomayor’s 1976 senior thesis, La Historia Cíclica de Puerto Rico: The Impact of the Life of Luis Muñoz Marín on the Political and Economic History of Puerto Rico, 1930-1975.

Since I was born and raised in Puerto Rico and I am very familiar with the island’s politics in the 1970s, I thought it would be interesting to read what she had to say.
Read the whole thing, here. More at Memeorandum.

1 comment:

  1. It is well worth the read. Fausta does a great job at a fair analysis of Sotomayor's thesis. Though one might be come away with more question's about Sotomayor's capability to apply the Constitution and not her own apply her own bias.
