Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Food Nazis

From The Guardian, "Food is the new fur for the celebrity with a conscience":
Actors, designers, pop stars have all got behind the hot new ethical campaign: food. From saving species to investigating conditions for pigs, star quality is pushing it to the foreground ...
Also, check out the "Food Nazi Mom," MeMe Roth , "Anti-Obesity Activist MeMe Roth Compares Eating To Rape":
The defence has been made in the case of sex criminals that there is pleasure on the part of the victim. The same is true with what we're doing with food. We may abuse our bodies with food, but it's incredibly pleasurable. From a food marketer's point of view, when your quote unquote victim is so willing and enjoying of the process, who's fighting back?

Ms. Roth runs the National Action Against Obesity.

I wonder what
Robert Stacy McCain could do with this story?

Hat Tip:


  1. Is this how far left ideology is bringing down the country? Or is this your rule #5 post?

    So hard to tell!

  2. Eating == rape?
    That's beyond bad moral equivalency, and well into the demented range.

  3. I've seen this chick on FOX News several times. She's as annoying as hell and most of what she says is incredibly stupid but I do think she's pretty hot when she's not talking.

    The rape analogy is sound though, because later tonight I'm totally going to molest a fat, juicy steak and loaded baked potato while the broccoli watches and cries in the corner. Does that make me demented?

  4. Let those bastards starve then. Cleans up the gene pool for the rest of us.

    JBW, I think what you described only qualifies as molestation or rape if you're doing the American Pie thing to the steak and potato. If that's your plan, then yes, demented is on the menu.

  5. LOL-The Food Nazi's can have my 4 (charcoal) Webers when they pry them from my cold, dead fingers.


  6. I wrote about ME!ME! today, but for something completely different. Great minds think alike!

  7. That girl needs a sandwich, stat.

  8. Just another example of someone who thinks they know best what other people need. Total Nazi!
