Wednesday, June 10, 2009

John Ziegler Hammers MSNBC's Contessa Brewer!

Via Conservatives for Sarah Palin "Smackdown: Ziegler Returns to MSNBC to Discuss Palin, and They Cut His Mic!":

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Brewer freaks out at the end of the tape: "Cut the mic, please ..."

Good for Ziegler!

Jason Linkins, at Huffington Post, illustrates the true sickness on the left, "
Contessa Brewer Steamed By Palin Defender: You're Insulting Me, 'Cut His Mic'."

Actually, it's Brewer who's insulting. At one point she she questions Ziegler incredulously, "Why is she so offended by David Letterman ..."

I wonder ...


Don't miss The Anchoress, "Lileks on Letterman on Palin." See also, Hot Air, "Video: Ziegler gets his mike cut off by MS-NBC," via Memeorandum.


  1. LOL-Looks like Contessa can't handle the truth.


  2. He made her looking like a babbling left wing fool...Wait! She is a babbling left wing fool.

  3. I was disappointed he didn't answer her questions. I actually wanted to hear about his interview with Mrs. Palin and Mr. Ziegler used his time instead to make snarky comments about MSNBC and other liberal media networks or put Ms. Brewer on the defense.

    I live on the east coast so I don't get his show; my computer freezes when I go to his website so I couldn't listen to the interview - I truly wanted to hear him but he squandered his time and therefore killed his own message - which did not do him or Mrs. Palin any favors.
