Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Letterman Brings It On

Roy Edroso calls the right's response to the Willow Palin controversy the "Conservative War on Letterman."

It's not immediately evident why Roy thinks he's got conservatives pinned down.
Dan Collins responds:

I want to stress to you scum-sucking morons that I don’t care whether Letterman and his writers thought he was addressing the presence at the Yankees game of Bristol Palin or Willow Palin. Either way, his “joke” was a sick and assaultive act directed at a young woman who has done nothing to merit such treatment on national television, you gutter-dwelling hobgoblins of putrescence.
I'll update with more links later ...


  1. Never fails to amuse, and at the same time, disgust me how hypocritical so many on the left have become. They accuse the right of hate, all the while spewing vitriol, then act as if they are so virtuous. Look in the mirror. See what you've become.

  2. When I read the combination of vile and indignant invection hurled at “wingnuts” and Jim Treacher, by this Roy Edroso, I immediately dismiss anything he writes. The street profanity- “bullshit,” “fuck ‘m,” - although Megan Fox referenced as “hot as fuck” might be very well be true - the crudeness just fouls out any chance of debate, by featuring the hate, spite and the obvious frustration of the writer. I was in the service and I can cuss like a sailor in a bar, but, what is the point of all this anger between left and right? Jim Treacher was “right” on target. What if, say, Dennis Miller made a similar base crack about Chelsea Clinton? Can you imagine the outrage. I also thought it reduced Dan Collin’s otherwise effective comeback to resort to the “dildo” comment. Really, where are the scathing William Buckley’s out there that can turn a phrase and, cut down the opposition without resorting to needless thug-speak? I think it will make our arguments stronger to keep our heads when others are losing theirs.

  3. Make this Hannady speaking about the Obama girls and see how long he is on the air.
