Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Mark Steyn on the Divider-in-Chief

It's a little late, but this video with Mark Steyn on Sean Hannity's is worth it:

See also, Srr8d's Cutting Edge, "Obama's visit to Egypt ... Sphinx Obama."


  1. Its just too bad that Steyn is not eligible to run for POTUS.

    No joke.

    Unlike most of the dumbed-down, government-schooled, American-Idol hypnotized, celebrity worshiping sheeple of today's America, he actually "gets it."


  2. Oh, and BTW, Steyn isn't even from here.

    That fact alone speaks volumes.


  3. Great post! Steyn has a level-headed perspective on this country because he has experienced the socialism of Britain and Europe first hand.
