Thursday, June 11, 2009

Miranda Rights for Terrorists!

From The People's Cube:


See also, Michelle Malkin, "
Miranda rights for terrorists: Next, Toothbrushes and Teddy Bears!"

Hat Tip:
Pamela Geller.


  1. I just heard a caller today on the Michael Pregar Show, The Patriot radio station out of LA, who called in about his son, an officer in Afghanistan who was down. He said, and I am paraphrasing, “The morale here is really low in Afghanistan with the troops, because we don’t know what to do- the terrorists we catch all know the U.S. court system, so they are arrogant - no one wants to be court-martialed for doing the wrong thing.” This has got to change…excuse me, I guess that is what they voted for. This cannot go on.

  2. Rusty the best way for them to avoid the courts martial is 2 in the head on in the heart. If they don't "capture" them ,then they don't get the courts.

  3. Yup, a Marine friend of mine called it the "Mozambique" (two in the head, one in the heart).

  4. As far as I am concerned, this issue is an impeachable offense. Czarboni the effete futz has placed my Brothers In Arms at grave risk and the Nation as a whole.

    I received an "emer com" from friends still in the Suck and he said that nearly an entire Company is up for re-enlistment and to a man they said they will not serve under the Unknown Obama. They are coming home.

    The United States Armed Forces are in the way of Obama's Civilian National Security Forces emplacements.

    This is sick and it makes me ill that this Obama Jihadi plant is where the fraud is.

    I need to pinch off an Obama in the new plumbing.

  5. My take of this whole hallucination of Obama:

  6. This is ridiculous, Donald--the Bush administration sent in FBI clean teams to Mirandize suspected terrorists also, and I didn't hear a peep from you then. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

    Ok, but let's say you didn't hear about it then, but you would have protested. Why would you protest?

    Mirandizing people is important if you want evidence of crimes admissible in court (since we're talking about SUSPECTED terrorists--you know, like, how you have to prove a crime, and not just throw people in jail willy-nilly); and Mirandizing people informs them of their rights--it doesn't confer any magical immunities or rights they didn't have before.

    I don't think you're as dumb as some people think you are--I think you're trying to score points while your foot is over the line. Learn the rules before you try to play the game professionally, Donald--I think you can do better than this.

  7. The battle field is different than U.S. soil. Any Bush Mirandized suspects were obviously not on the battlefield in Afghanistan. Otherwise, combatants in the future could just bring their personal attorneys with them in the field and negotiate release – or, worse, transfer to the prison Lock-up, “Raw,” in Bermuda.
