Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Miss California Carrie Prejean’s Odyssey: Not Very Pretty

Here's my latest at Pajamas Media, "Miss California Carrie Prejean’s Odyssey: Not Very Pretty."

Below is the video of
Prejean's interview with Sean Hannity:

The latest news is dueling lawsuits: "Carrie Prejean, Miss California Pageant Headed to Court?" and "Beauty Pageant to Sue Carrie Prejean for Talking Smack to the Media."

Also, see TMZ, "Pageant to Carrie: Your Court Is Ready!"


  1. I hope she clobbers the sexist bigots and drives them into a frothing and self-loathing cranial seizure.

  2. I hope she shuts up and poses for some more nude photos already. Does that make me a sexist bigot?

  3. "Does that make me a sexist bigot?"

    Asked and answered, troll JBW...

  4. Kind of a rhetorical question, Don...

    First of all, any guy here who doesn't want her to pose for more nude photos is either gay or a liar. And I'd say the same thing about her if she was a hot lefty beauty pageant contestant who wouldn't shut up.

    You look good for a living. Nobody would give a rat's ass what you had to say about gay marriage or politics or anything else if you weren't hot. So shut your damn mouth and start posing.

    I take the exact same position on professional athletes. I love watching incredible gridiron tackles and backboard shattering monster dunks but just because you can do those things doesn't mean I care what you have to say about any subject under the sun.

    You don't get paid to speak. We pay people who are much smarter than you are to do that much better than you can. Now go back to doing what we pay you to do.

    Let me know when your membership card in the National Organization for Women comes in the mail Don, you sensitive old softy. Oh, and nice suit.

  5. I don't want her to pose for nude photos. Are you calling me a liar, JBW?

  6. Yes. Or gay. Take your pick, Don.

  7. Here's the story behind the story that Donald always conveniently sidesteps:

    Gay Bias Hate Crimes Rise

    Hmmm, I wonder how many "lone wolfs" attacked gays after this Prejean fiasco. (And by fiasco, I mean by both sides. Only, funny, I just haven't read the stories yet of gays killing heteros.)

  8. I think Carrie should sue. From what I heard, the gay manager of the Miss California pagent deliberatley set her up just so he could fire her.

    Screw Trump as well, the spineless twit.

    Tim, could the reason you don't hear of gays killing straights be due to the state media not reporting one as gay when they commit a crime?

    How easily you sheeple are led around by your noses.

    Oh, JBW, I do not wish to see Carrie pose nude at all. That makes me neither a liar nor gay, just a grandpa who recalls how women were so much more alluring by not revealing everything!

    I guess your modern equation did not consider that aspect.

  9. Yes! Yes! "The media is secretly covering up gays murdering straight people." Awesome! One of the crazier wingnuts around here should really try to run with this one. Oh, here, let's juice it up a bit:

    "You know, I've heard that when it comes time to execute the secretly gay murderers, the state actually replaces them with sacrificial heterosexual Christians. Uh huh, nobody ever notices the difference because they only choose Christians with really great hair. I'm serious, I read it on Drudge!"

    Lew, I have a feeling that your and my definitions of the word "modern" are worlds apart, my friend. Regardless, you are correct. It seems my equation left out the third option of humorless old prudes who've obviously built up an unusually high tolerance to Viagra and like to talk about how much better things were back before rap music.

    There you go, Don: a third option for you. You can still pick gay if you want though.

  10. Liberals are just incapable of understanding a man who doesn't want young women to pose nude, Donald. I wonder if Ray would want his daughter, if he had one, posing nude? Conservatives simply have higher standards (much higher standards) than liberals but that's surely not news.

    I also agree that Trump is a spineless twit. :)

  11. "Liberals can never blah, blah, blah. Conservatives always blah, blah, blah." Weak, tired, blanket statements.

    Conservatives never finish all of their vegetables. Liberals always remember to take out the trash. Conservatives never put the cap back on the toothpaste. Liberals always put the toilet seat down. Conservatives never turn their high beams off when another car is approaching. Liberals always cross at the light...
