Saturday, June 20, 2009

Murder in Iran

The Facebook link is here.

I got the tweet from Allahpundit. Co-blogger Ed Morrissey's got his post, "
Iranian police throwing teargas at protesters in Tehran; Update: I’m ready for martyrdom, says Mousavi; Videos: Woman murdered in cold blood, police beat women with batons":

Check out Gateway Pundit as well, "HEAVY CLASHES IN TEHRAN!... Explosions Reported! (Video) ... Update: Protester's Plea- "Please Pray for Us" ...Update: Mousavi- Ready for Martyrdom."

I'll have more on developments in Iran, but check out
Memeorandum for now.


  1. Dr.D,
    Things are quickly unraveling in Iran. With this type of brutality the anti-government forces will be energized and filled with resolve. Dictators never learn that brutality only makes the dissidents more fervent. Obama's silence is deafening.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yes, I agree, Law and Order. Early on in Obama's presidency I misread him. I wanted to give him a chance once he was voted in. The first African-American and all. Though I am a McCain supporting Republican I thought Obama was at least sincere, just inexperienced. Past his hundred days, and now over this, his silence is pitiful and irresponsible. How could he not speak out with impunity against this brutality? I am beginning to be concerned that Obama's likeablility is really a cold, narcissistic charm of a sociopath. These people re dying for the cause of liberation and need an American leader's voice to be heard. The congress last week started speaking out - still our president tosses out banal rhetoric.

  4. Our False Prophet appears to have no idea what a golden opportunity he's passing up… overthrow this evil regime without firing a single shot… get their Armageddon-inspired nuke program off the world stage… and free 30 million people all at one time. But the boy wonder is too stupid to see it… or somehow just doesn’t care?

    And isn’t this what George W Bush told you was going to happen in the Middle East in the wake of Iraq's liberation?
    Maybe that’s why Barack Obama has so little apparent interest in finishing the job in Iran… no matter how much it benefits the US and free world.

    That, and the fact that he's already piled all his chips on legitimizing this vile regime- a democratic revolution at this point would be embarrassing.
