Saturday, June 20, 2009

Police Clash With Protesters in Bloody Tehran Crackdown

From Fox News, "Iran Riot Police Clash With Thousands of Protesters in Bloody Tehran Crackdown":

Thousands of protesters defied Iran's highest authority Saturday and marched on waiting security forces that fought back with baton charges, tear gas and water cannons as the crisis over disputed elections lurched into volatile new ground.

In a separate incident, a state-run television channel reported that a suicide bombing at the shrine of the Islamic Revolution leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini killed at least two people and wounded eight. The report could be not independently evaluated due to government restrictions on journalists.

If proven true, the reports could enrage conservatives and bring strains among backers of opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi. Another state channel broadcast images of broken glass but no other damage or casualties, and showed a witness saying three people had been wounded.
Read the whole thing, here.

Also Blogging: Drew at AOSHQ, "
Obama To Iran: Hey Guys, Can't I Just Finish My Ice Cream?", and Reliapundit, "The Iranians Protesting and Dying in the Streets are the Real Freedom Fighters."

Plus: Mark Steyn, "Neutrality Isn’t an Option," via Memeorandum.


  1. My heart and prayers are with the freedom fighters of Iran. The only voice I hear is John McCain (Across the world, I thought it was a nice touch that the USS John McCain was the ship shadowing the North Korean weapons load to the middle east).

    Where is Obama-where is Biden- where is Clinton-where is Gates, who just remarked at the Congressional committee "Bombing Iran would fail to stop the Islamic Republic from building nuclear weapons and could only 'buy time." Time is ticking away.

  2. There can be only one response to this sort of outrage.
    Rahm: fire up the teleprompter.
