Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Right Wing News: The 10 Hottest Liberal Women In Politics

You've got to love John Hawkins' classy post, "The 10 Hottest Liberal Women In Politics."

Who knew
Janeane Garfalo could look, well, sexy? And how about John on Maureen Dowd: "Great hair, elegant, spicy. You got to give Modo her due: she's a fine looking woman."

Now, if she'd just write her own copy!

Hat Tip: Little Miss Attila and Memeorandum.


  1. Still kinda hard to "sexy" up a hippie chick though....eh?

  2. I love how RWN put Meghan McCain on the liberal women list!

  3. And yet, if you compared the women on this list to the Top 10 Conservative Women, there's no race at all. These women are fugly in comparison.

  4. So it seems that making a success of yourself in the punditocracy as a liberal woman requires more than being a blonde, FOX News former-beauty contestant. These chicks can't make it by just playing the "I hate gays, immigrants and non-Christians" card; they gotta think for a living, and unfortunately that apparently leaves little time for doing their hair and make-up.

    But from what I can tell that's kind of the point of the article. Yeah, many female conservative talking heads say some despicable and stupid things but at least they're easy on the eyes. And because we despise what they say yet still want to bone them when they're through saying it, why not combine the two?

    Ever have make-up sex after an argument with your girl when you knew that you were right but you just gave in to keep the peace? Sometimes you have to let that frustration out by hitting it a little harder than you normally would, just to remind her which one of you is the man.

    That said, I agree cracker. Forget all these unwashed hippie-chicks. I'll love you for your brain as well as your body but at least shave your legs and make yourself presentable first. We are civilized, are we not?

  5. Sorry, the article I was referencing was the Playboy article mentioned in the post above this one. Forgot where I was for a second, but my opinions still stand.
