Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Sean Hannity Interviews Sarah Palin

Sean Hannity interviews Sarah Palin:

Governor Palin is in the news this morning. From Conservatives for Sarah Palin, "Were Politico and CNN at the Same Fundraiser?."

The reference is to "Sarah Palin Makes Little Splash at Dinner," and "Palin Center of Attention at Big GOP Dinner."

Dan Riehl offers some insight, "GOP and The NRCC: Epic Fail."


  1. Anyone catch Letterman's vile "joke" the other night? While at a Mets game in NY, he made a stupid, totally lame joke regarding Palin's daughter.
    It gets better and better, the way liberals irrationnally demean ANYONE who disagrees with them.

  2. Let me clarify, Sarah was at the game, Letterman used his loser show to make such a stupid foul comment about the Palin's 19 year old daughter, who is a teenager, and also happens to be a mother now.
    Wow, they stoop lower and lower, it's hard to imagine there is anywhere left for them to go!
