Monday, June 8, 2009

Ten Illegals, "Stacked Like Wood," Killed in Arizona SUV Rollover

The first video shows the local Arizona news report on the 10 illegal aliens, "stacked like wood," who died when a bus carrying 27 rolled over in southern Arizona yesterday. The Associated Press has the story, "10 suspected illegal immigrants die in SUV crash in Arizona." But take a look a the second video, which is from London's Daily Mail:


  1. I wrote a rather large rant on this story as well Don and I can unequivocally state that as sad as it may sound I have no sympathy, because if they were where they belonged, in their home countries, they'd be alive today.

    I'm just thankful they didn't kill any of our fellow Americans in the process. I've had it with the illegal aliens of all persuasions, white green brown blue I don't give a dang...deport their arses now.

  2. Hmmm. “Allegedly illegal aliens!” Indeed. More got away thatn died. The unique view from above of the second video of these illegal, Mexican, Central American aliens looks like a colony of deadly Army Ants of Central and South America released as predators onto our soil. By the way, Army Ants’ specialty is killing and gathering food, and forming attacks on enemy colonies. Fitting analogy? I also wonder how many Al Qaeda operatives will storm or sliver across our porous borders.

    Where’s the hapless Napolitano’s beefed up border security? Living in Arizona, I am glad I can still rely on the Second Amendment to bear arms in the form of protection for my family, in the comforting name of Smith & Wesson.

  3. Hi Chicago and Rusty,

    Did it ever occur to you that these people were probably desperate beyond the reaches of your imagination to simply live peaceful lives and provide for their families back home? Can you even fathom what hell you would need to be in to decide that you would risk everything for a chance to work a menial, dangerous job in a foreign land with an uncertain future?

    While I agree that "illegal" is still "illegal," that does not mean we should simply forget that people in situations far different than our own are still human and worthy of one nanosecond of our thoughts for their predicament.

  4. Anonymous of course it occurred to me, but living in a city overrun with crime from the vast illegal community and services coming out of my bank account from my hard work from my wheelchair every single day, no one holds my hand and plays the violins for my troubles nor do I ask or expect anyone too. No one put me through college and 30 years of hard work so I'm not doing it for anyone else, especially a bunch of Illegal aliens

    So yes, I can fathom how tough things can get, and I've run out of compassion for the lawbreakers of the world. It's that simple.

    My ancestors were desperate too, starving in Hells Kitchen and Old Chicago upon their Ellis island arrivals in 1920. Yet they were here legally, learned the customs and language of the land, were treated like dirt and scum as well yet rose above,became educated and wealthy as a result.

    Not to mention those dying while fighting for our freedom against their own homelands of Germany and Italy in WWII.

    So yes, ANONYMOUS< it occurred to me and frankly I don't give a damn.

    I didn't put them in that death trap so I'm not responsible for their ignorance nor are you or anyone else. Ever heard of personal responsibility for one's own actions? Live by the sword die by the sword.

    How do you know these people weren't drug runners and other types of lawbreakers, because you don't know their character, yet we do know most who break one law break many others.

  5. Hi Chicago Ray,
    I appreciate your response even though we clearly have different points of view.
    - Anon
