Monday, June 1, 2009

Tiller's Killing Reignites Abortion Debate?

At the paper's website, the Washington Post's headline reads, "Killing Reignites Abortion Debate."

Clicking the link we find, "
Slaying Raises Fears on Both Sides of Abortion Debate."

Either way, the leftist media and the radical netroots are pushing hard to get massive mileage from the George Tiller tragedy. Contrary to the Washington Post, the abortion debate was hot all of last year, when President Obama said he didn't want his daughters "punished" with a baby; when his deathwish record on Born Alive Infanct Protection legislation was circulated widely; and when Pastor Rick Warren asked him "when does life begin?" (and he responded that it's "above my pay grade").

In truth, leftists have turned Tiller's death into a one-way superhighway to baby-killing. Debate? What debate? The memes are all about the "evil" O'Reilly, "forced-childbirth" extremists, and the "vindication" of the DHS report. Indeed, it's apparent now that leftists are using Tiller's killing to argue for RELAXING EXISTING LAWS TO ACHIEVE MORE LATE-TERM ABORTIONS!

Words fail me
here. I'll let these images speak instead:

More at Memorandum, and here.


  1. didn't Rick Warren ask when "human rights" begin--not when human life begins?

    I guess you find Obama's answer unreasonable, or objectionable; that makes me curious: what's your answer? When does human life begin? When do human rights begin?

  2. When in doubt, hasn't the law always decided in a manner that extends the benefit of any doubt towards life already existing?

    Since when have people interpreted human rights, fundamental rights, in a way that's convenient for them?

    Rationalizing an agenda by introducing Pontius Pilate like questions isn't indicative of deep thinking on the subject, what it is indicative of is a widespread moral and intellectual dry rot.

    But whatever the left desires to accomplish via their latest senation, the graphic images of fetuses in gestation, which millions and millions of Americans have become familiar, is driving the debate. And as medical technology advances, those images are going to become clearer, and clearer and clearer.

    And the brutality of abortion is going to be seen for what it is, and always was, a euphemism for murder, a euphemism that allowed a generation to wage some weird sexual "revolution," that has done nothing brought pain to untold numbers.

    Abortion is just going to end up on the ash heap of history, ESPECIALLY when abortion policy begins to be informed by the demographic crunch that is coming.

    When future generations speak of the "the 60's generation," when they speak of their pretensions and their self-regard, the opening of the indictment against them will be abortion.

  3. Apparently, the idiots on the left didn't get the memo that Nappyheaded Napoleanitanio rescinded the DHS report and the DHS Lexicon so their argument is theoretically a retarded moot point.

  4. I am still waiting for the Left to take some responsibility for the killing of a military recruiter. If O'Rielly is culpable for bring Tiller's actions to light then the Left's constant denigration of the military is as culpable or worse. Their identification with the terrorists only helps to foment the desired actions. An aside here. I find it interesting that Obama can associate with Ayres and Dorn, but feel aghast at Tiller's murder. It must be that recruiters and policemen volunteered to serve and protect the citizens of this country so should expect to die an ignominious death and are of little value to the government except as "cannon fodder."
    I suspect that the left cares little about Tiller's death except as a political expediency. If you can abide late term abortions such as this then you can abide almost any form of murder. Holding the head of a live child in the virgina so you can kill it is the ultimate travesty, but only pales to that of killing a child that survives an abortion.
    The Left's easy ability to justify killing for political reasons is why I call them the "dark side." Saying it is legal is like the Nazi's saying that killings Jews was legal in Germany. It also had the full force of the government behind it and had its lawyers and judges to justify it. The fact that some try to easy their own conscious by creating an academic dodge such as when does Human Rights begin is indicative of a mind that can justify anything.

  5. Infanticide is murder in the womb or after birth. Abortion is infanticide. QED.

  6. I'm a little disappointed that nobody used the word "leftards" in this comment thread but I was happy to see that you managed to work in a Nazi reference. Oh and I don't know what a "virgina" is but I'd like to find out.

    My take on the killing, if interested.
