Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Top 10 Reasons to Follow Me on Twitter!

Actually, I don't have a top 10.

Since I'm new to this medium, I googling to see what's up with all the abbreviations and such (like RT). I came across this piece, "
Top 10 Reasons I *AM* Following You On Twitter." This part makes say, hey, okay!

If you hook up your blog so that whenever you post an entry, it tweets, then that’s a big plus.

I use Twitter for a casual diversion during the workday – I’ll glance over at it when I’ve got a few free minutes, see what’s going on, and interact with friends. If I notice that you just posted a blog entry, I’ll go read it, and I might respond on Twitter if I’ve got comments or questions. It’s nice to have that realtime interaction with other bloggers.
I'm on social networking to promote my blog, because that's what I do. I reallly enjoy the "social" part, of course. But I like publishing even more. That said, I'm a mensch, so send me your stuff and I'll publish it here!

Well, what are you waiting for?!!

Get hot and follow me at AmPowerBlog!


  1. Why on earth would I follow someone who actually believes (and utters in PUBLIC, FCOL!) "It's clear by now that neoconservatism has been vindicated by the events in Iran."

    Was that some kind of joke???

    The only thing you can say with regard to Iran and the neocons is that it's truly VERY fortunate that they were not able to carry out their desire to "Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran". Know why? All those brave students that are pushing for reform/revolution in Iran right now are the same innocents that would have been slaughtered if we had gone to war in their country.

    When it suits them, neocons were quick to take action that would have killed many, many innocents a year ago. Now they can't wait to Tweet about them. It's shameful

  2. Would love to see some evidence of neoconservatism vindicating events in Iran. Just, you know, something.

    Personally, I credit Obama and the dialogue HE opened.

  3. Neocons never wanted to "Bomb bomb bomb" innocent Iranians, certainly would like to destroy nuclear facilities in the hands of Ahmadinejad and the mad mullahs.

    Personally, I credit Obama and the dialogue HE opened.

    Um..based on what evidence? Obama certainly never intended to spark political upheaval in Iran as he has been reaching out to their illegitimate government, and continues to do so. His sympathies lie with with it, and not the Iranians who have taken to the streets.

    It was George W. Bush who always spoke over the rulers heads, directly to the people of Iran. It was George W. Bush that brought the hope and freedom of Democracy to neighboring Iraq. Read this article from the BBC about the election earlier this year in Iraq:

    'For the Iraqi people, it has been a real eye-opener.

    They learned, for the first time, that they could hold those they elected to account, and change them if they failed to meet expectations.
    “People are really happy,” said one Baghdad resident after the election was over.
    “They think this is how elections should be. The message is that those who are elected and don’t deliver, will be removed, peacefully.”'

    Read this entire article and tell me that what has been going on in Iraq, a country that is most visible to Iran and one where Iran has sought to impose it’s will, has not deeply affected the electoral process in Iran.

  4. Thanks Deb!

    The folks who attack neocons are full of hate.

  5. "Neocons never wanted to "Bomb bomb bomb" innocent Iranians, certainly would like to destroy nuclear facilities in the hands of Ahmadinejad and the mad mullahs."

    Right, and we all saw how well we were able to shield tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis from getting wiped off the map when we invaded *their* country and bombed the hell out of them.

    Are you really so clueless as to believe you could start a war with a country like Iran and not obliterate innocent human beings, the very human beings you claim solidarity with NOW? Talk about your "unreality-based" world...

    If you didn't hear our president reaching out to the citizens of Iran in his recent speeches, you really must start paying attention. Speaking/writing without knowledge just makes you look ignorant.

  6. There's another ignorant futz pretending IT knows what a neocon is! Amazing the ignorance of your trolls Mr Douglas.

  7. Right, and we all saw how well we were able to shield tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis from getting wiped off the map when we invaded *their* country and bombed the hell out of them.

    You ignoramus. Most innocent Iraqis died at the hands of insurgents. Of course "collateral damage" happens and innocents die in war.

    As John Stuart Mill said:

    "War is an ugly thing but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feelings which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."

    If you didn't hear our president reaching out to the citizens of Iran in his recent speeches, you really must start paying attention.

    Yes, I heard your president was "deeply troubled" but is satisfied that the illegitimate government that stole the election is looking into irregularities. Way to reach out. I'm sure the protesters are just thrilled with that.

    Actually, they're not:

    Noted Iranian Activist Kianoosh Sanjari: "The People of Iran Will Not Forgive Obama For Siding With the Regime" (Audio-Video)
