Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Bill O'Reilly Goes After Jesse Griffin

Here's the video from last night's O'Reilly Factor:

There's a couple on interesting points on this. For one, O'Reilly doesn't mention any of the legwork done by conservative bloggers to dig dirt on "Gryphen." Robert Stacy McCain and Dan Riehl worked all weekend getting statements from the Palin camp and on digging out Jesse Griffin's identity. Some of that stuff was exclusive, but no credits from O'Reilly?

Secondly, though, is "Gryphen" himself. The guy apparently has tremendous support on the Palin-hating left, and it's clear that the guy's whacked views on family and morality are fully central to today's progressive ideology.
For example:
You know the reason that many people enjoy adult movies is that it is sexy to watch people making love ... I think that this trend toward real people having real sex is definitely the way to go. I always had a little guilt watching an adult movie and wondering if the female performer was a drug addict, or victim of molestation, just prostituting herself to make a buck. I am not Jewish, so guilt and sex don't really go together for me. But when you see a video of an amateur couple having sex you can tell that they are simply doing it for the sheer excitement of sharing their passion with a bunch of middle aged pervs who are going to wank off to their sexual exploits. Well great here comes that guilt again.
And is that a smack of anti-Semitism in there? That'd be pretty standard for the left, in any case. Guilt's not confined to Judaism.

Check Robert Stacy McCain for more.

Video Hat Tip:
Saber Point.


  1. For one, O'Reilly doesn't mention any of the legwork done by conservative bloggers to dig dirt on "Gryphen."

    Well, it IS O'Reilly.. I don't think he gives out credit unless it's at the point of a gun..

  2. Anti-semitic?? Jesus, Arlon, that's low, even for you. I dare you to find ONE thing I've EVER said against Jewish people. Look, I don't think we should give extra love to any European nations, either. Does that make me anti-Christian or anti-white? I'm of the opinion that our foreign policy should put America first, and for that, you smear me as an anti-semite. That's disgusting.

    I'm always boggled by the pains you'll go through to find something to attack me for. Sure, there are HUGE differences between our positions and I've never had trouble highlighting the flaws in your arguments. Yet when it comes to me, you're stuck with semantic debates over the meaning of opinions and obviousness, as well as basic spelling errors. And when those fail, you just outright smear me, like stating that I hate Jews simply because I don't think we should put Israel's interests ahead of our own. I keep waiting to have some sort of substantive debate with you, but you just don't seem to have the intellectual ability to do so. Hell, I'd LOVE to have a debate with you on Israel, but instead, you do yet another of your drive-by smearings. Great.

    And what's funny is that in my nihilist persona, I've got the Jews on OUR side; as they're the ones who supposedly control all the porn and violence coming out of Hollywood, per traditional rightwing attacks. But thanks to this, I'm going to have to figure out some way for me to pretend to be bigoted against them, too. So now, nihilists are against whites, blacks, browns, and Jews; which I suppose only leaves us with Asians on our side. You sure do it make it tough to be a nihilist, Arlon.
