Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Field Negro: 'What About When You People Were Making Fun of George Bush Day and Night?'

From The Field Negro, on the Obama socialist posters:

Nothing like a little mockery of the Kenyan born president to get a rise out of the troops. Oh field, stop it! What about when you people were making fun of George Bush day and night? What about the late night jokes and all the blogs devoted to ridiculing him? On this very blog you called him the frat boy. What about it field? Care to answer that one? Yes, that's true. After Katrina, and after he led us into an illegal war, people got pretty upset at the frat boy. But I don't remember 100 days into his presidency people plastering posters of him all over a major A-merry-can city and it becoming some kind of rallying point for democrats against him. No, in fact, if I recall correctly, the frat boy had a lot of good will right after 911 in this country. Obama inherited a depression like economy and gets no such good will from the wingnuts while he tries to work things out. It has been one loof (That's a backwards fool for those of you who were wondering about my spelling.) after another from day one. The birthers; the tea party people; the deathers; the he is going to take our guns crowd; the he is a Socialist crowd (we could only wish); the he is a secret black Nationalist crowd. ....get the idea? With George it was ridicule, but it was just that: Ridiculing his incompetence and his policies. Not drumming up silly conspiracies worthy of an Olivr Stone movie.
Uh, actually, George W. Bush hadn't even taken office yet and the radical left's anti-American lobby was threatenting "a massive civil rights explosion" should the GOP take power. See ABC News, "Jackson Urges Nationwide Protests: Gore Advocate Urges Supreme Court to Allow Manually Recounted Florida Votes":

And from then on it was pretty much like this:

See, Newsbusters, "Obama Joker Poster Stirs Outrage, Bush Joker Poster Not So Much."

1 comment:

  1. The vitriol emanating from the radicals is contemptible. Is there any doubt regarding a double standard?

    This represents the major problem with our political system. The ad hominem attacks are so incredibly vulgar, demeaning, and false, the politicians no longer work at the jobs they were elected to perform.

    Shame on them!
