Sunday, August 2, 2009

Michelle Malkin on Bill Maher: 'When They Can’t Attack the Message...'

From Michelle Malkin, on Bill Maher's attack on her book, Culture of Corruption:
... they attack the messenger.

This is
all they’ve got (vid at link if you can stomach it) ...

That’s it. Not a single refutation of a single fact in the book. Bill Maher can’t bring himself to open it and read what’s in between the covers. Why? Because he and all of his enablers in Hollywood, D.C., and Manhattan are in a state of denial about Obama’s Culture of Corruption. They don’t want to hear it, see it, or smell it. Unlike many brave whistleblowers who worked in the Obama trenches and who have seen the light, the liberal elites don’t want to know the truth.
Read the whole thing, here (via Memeorandum).

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