Friday, August 7, 2009

Missouri School District Cancels Claire McCaskill Event - Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez Holds 'Prayer Vigil' Instead of Town Hall!

Citing "security concerns," the School District of University City has cancelled the contract for Senator Claire McCaskill's town hall event on Tuesday. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports:
A day after a Russ Carnahan event led to the arrests of five participants and a reporter, University City High School — where U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill was set to hold a similar event on Tuesday– announced that the forum has been canceled.

The school district sent a news release this afternoon stating that the “reasons for the cancellation by the school district are due to concerns for the safety and security of its staff, community members attending the event, and for the students who would be on campus during that time.”

There is no word on whether McCaskill will find a new venue or keep a second town hall forum scheduled for later the same day in Jefferson County.

Either way, its hard not to notch the decision as a signal of the growing influence of the Tea Party coalition, who had succeeded at heckling Carnahan at two earlier meetings.
Actually, St. Louis Tea Party indicates that McCaskill has another event planned for "2:00 p.m. on Tuesday at Jefferson College in Hillsboro, MO."

And yes, "the influence" of the Tea Party coalition is growing. I missed this somehow, but it turns out that Democratic Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez disguised her recent town hall last Sunday as a "prayer vigil." Here's this from the YouTube sidebar:

Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez and her Community Organizers held a Town Hall Meeting on 8-2-2009, disguised as a "Prayer Vigil" to avoid any protesters. Loretta Sanchez had a huge banner set up with her name on it. When she spoke, she attacked her political opponents and praised herself several times. She advocated a government single-payer health plan. Several of her Community Organizers also attacked her political opponents and praised Sanchez when they spoke. No one else with opposing views was allowed to speak. The Community Organizers started and stoked the applause as well. Loretta Sanchez and her gang of Community Organizers deceived the public and attacked President Bush,Governor Schwarzenegger and 5 local Congressmen at what was supposed to be a Prayer Vigil. Why would this church allow such a slanted political event to take place? Were they deceived as well?
Hat Tip: Hot Air.

1 comment:

  1. These self-serving politicians are afraid to face the nation, because they have screwed up out country so badly.

