Saturday, August 1, 2009

More Democratic Demonization of Israel: 'Someone Explain to Me Why We Need to Make Israel Happy?'

Why today's Democratic-leftists continue to berate American support for Israel is beyond me sometimes.

The centrality of the Jewish state in U.S. foreign policy goes back to 1948 and the founding of that country. Indeed, it was the Democratic Party that worked to establish and guarantee the survival of Israel, as Ron Radosh tells it in his book,
A Safe Haven: Harry S. Truman and the Founding of Israel. As the New York Times book review put it, Harry Truman was a "Zionist in the White House."

But today's Democrats have abandoned the moral clarity of earlier generations. Indeed, a large contingent of the mainstream Democratic Party has sought to excoriated Israel and cast off the Jewish state to extermination. One of the most ugly examples of this is found in the notorious anti-Semitic Daily Kos post, "Eulogy Before the Inevitability of Self-Destruction: The Decline and Death of Israel."

The entry recounts all of the historic anti-Semitic conspiracies against Israel. The essay notes, for example, that Israel embodies "the vessel of boiling blood of horror and perfidy in demonic vileness for its pattern of terrorism and murder in the name of Zionist ideology."

Most right-thinking folks abhor such evil talk. But what we do see is a more subterranean discourse on the left that excoriates Israel by questioning U.S. support for the regime. The end result, much like the uglier side of the debate on The Israel Lobby, is ultimately a crude repudiation of Israel as a hegemonic oppressor whose people are undeserving of American support.

We see this despicable meme yet again in an essay by the slithering Dr. Hussein Biobrain, "Appeasing Israel":

'Would someone care to explain to me why we need to make Israel happy? I don't even buy into the idea that having them in the middle-east is some great strategic advantage for us, and think it's the exact opposite. Israel is one of the biggest problems we have in the middle-east. That's not to say I don't support their existence or anything, merely that I fail to understand their strategic importance to us or why we need to keep appeasing them. As with our embargo of Cuba, I believe our support of Israel is more about domestic politics than foreign policy and anyone who suggests otherwise is selling something.'

Actually, what others are "selling" is moral clarity of world historical importance. Melanie Phillips can "explain it" to Dr. Hussein Biobrain:

... the reason why Israel figures so heavily in any discussion about the predicaments of our era is that Israel is the defining moral issue of our time. It is Israel, and the century-old existential onslaught against the Jewish people in its ancient homeland, which stands at the very centre of the titanic fight by truth against lies, fact against propaganda, freedom against totalitarianism, liberty against slavery, justice against injustice and reason against irrationality in which the entire free world is currently engaged. Israel is the quintessential canary in the mine. It is the front-line in the defence of the free world. If it goes down, the rest of us will go down. Those who are on the wrong side of the Israel issue are on the wrong side in the great struggle for civilisation against barbarism. That is why I return to it again and again.

And that is why I return to it again and again.

And to answer Dr. Hussein Biobrain, yes, it is about domestic politics, for the preservation of Israel remains central to the partisan debates in the domestic politics of U.S. international security.

See also, Ed Lasky, "
The Democratic Party and the Jews."


  1. Anon the Jewish self-loather, I truly feel sorry for you, as your rampant ignorance of the true history of your on race, not to mention its well-prophesied immediate future, is mostly lost on you.

    No matter, as you seem content to remain in a country where, last time I checked, the most popular name for a male baby was Mohammad.

    Bothered to Study the birth trends in the UK over the last decade?

    Yeah, I did't think so.

    Rots a ruck, pal.


  2. "Anonymous" is gone, Dave. I don't tolerate that crap around here.

  3. Why not support Little Satan? M'hammed, Moses and Baby Jesus aside - the fact remains that Little Satan is the one nation in that particular hood that is - well - the most like us.

    A tolerant egalitarian society with a penchant for periodic, transparent elections, an independent judiciary under elected gov oversight, a military under civie control, a nat'l treasury under public scrutiny and a free, open press.

    The fact that Little Satan drives her corrupt, intolerant, FAILED hoodmates batty is just fine.

    And if those pitiful literacy rated fake believe nation states take time out from tormenting their own dear sweet girls to blame GrEaT sAtAn for Little Satan's dominance of every type of human endeavour (save jihad) - Sweet!

    That meme and those of their fanboys should be worn as a badge of honor.

  4. First off, Donald, that DKos link is wrong, as it leads to a certain nihilist blog that I happen to write for. I'm not sure if that was meant as a joke or what, but I assure you, none of us wrote that post.

    Secondly, I found that post and must say that for a supposedly anti-semitic blog, that anti-semitic post sure wasn't well received. In fact, the Kossaks HATED it. The poll alone shows 1,944 votes, of those 20% said it was "Terrible, execrable, atrocious," 28% called the guy an anti-semite, and 35% called him a moron. And at a guess, I'd say the 6% that said they liked it were joking. Moreover, a scan of the comments show that they hated it and wanted him banned for writing it. I'm not sure, but I think he WAS banned. If you somehow imagined that to be representative of DKos or liberals in general, that just shows how entirely delusional you are. While I've known a few libs who were anti-Israel, I've never known one who hated Jews. Just so you know, I went with the "moron" poll answer.

    And so is it enough that I entirely reject what that dude wrote? Probably not, but it should be. Hell, I couldn't even read the thing. It was as anti-semitic as it was poorly written.

    And is this really the best you can do for proving that my post was anti-semitic? You didn't address a damn thing I wrote. And even the brain that you outsourced to was a complete joke. We need to support Israel above our own interests because they're "the front line in the defense of the free world"? Are you nuts? That doesn't even make sense. That wasn't an argument in defense of Israel. That was mindless jingoism. It was bad enough that you yet again had to outsource your argument to somebody else, but that was absolutely dreadful.

    And just to be clear, I totally support Israel's right to exist. I also support our continued support of them and have no problem with the billions we send them. While I disagree with many of their actions and DEFINITELY believe they need to dismantle the illegal settlements, I support their right to exist and our support of them.

    My point was that we shouldn't put Israel's interests ahead of our own. I believe in America first, just as a good Israeli believes in Israel first and a good German believes in Germany first. What's the problem? Am I too patriotic for you? Are you perhaps an Israeli spy? I don't get it. Again, I have NOTHING against Israel. I just think it's wrong for us to take this childish BFF attitude towards Israel and support everything they do. How is that a problem?

    And most importantly: What does this have to do with hating Jews? This isn't something I generally advertise, but I'm fricking part Jewish, schmuck! I know, it's technically a religion and not a race, but it's also a race and I've got Jewish blood. And without any doubt, were I in Nazi Germany, I most DEFINITELY would have been locked away in a concentration camp. While I don't consider myself to be Jewish (and don't look Jewish at all), I most definitely was by their standards.

    Again, while there's no way that you could have known, there's also nothing in what I've ever written which would suggest that I hate Jews. That's really one of the stupidest things you've ever written and you've written a lot of stupid things.

    Of course, I still don't think that you believe I'm anti-semitic, and only say it because you've been trained to smear anyone who doesn't offer full support of Israel as being anti-semitic. But that's actually part of our problem. We can't have a sensible policy towards Israel because people like you label anyone who isn't super-pro-Israel as a Jew hater. And that's not only absurd, but offensive.

    Again, I'm sorry if my America First attitude offends you, but I refuse to apologize for it. While I definitely don't oppose Israel, I fail to see why we need to support them as fervently as we do; to the point of putting their interests before our own. And nothing you wrote answered my question. Disagree all you want, but leave the smears at home.

  5. i was just wondering if you have ever been to israel? scratch that. I was wondering if you have ever been to Palestine? and if you have any what those people live through every day of their lives?
    i am an american who believes in the jewish right to a homeland, but i do not think believe for one moment that this gives them a right to drive people away from their homes, disallow them to return, and then maake very clear to those who have remained that if they do not leave they will kill them.
    why people support the atrocities which zionist israel has committed is beyond me; especially when they call themselves christian. i mean do you realize how many palestinians are christian?

    i could say more but i know youll call me some anti-semitic left wing loser so im giving up.

    thank for that
    some american girl

    p.s. what really amazes me is that in this modern age it's almost impossible to be lied to. you can find the truth about israel just by searching for it, and still no one seems to care.
    im american and im damn proud of it. i am a patriot. and i believe wholeheartedly in patriotism. i guarentee that if what is happening to the palestinians happened HERE, in america, not a single american would stand for it. we would bring out the big guns and beat the sh!t out of anyone who would try to stand against us. those poor palestinians. theyre not allowed guns so they must resort to rocks, molatov cocktails, and more recently bomb-vests. those evil kids who have been violated their whole lives, made to believe they less than nothing, being called terrorists because they fight for their country. maybe their rockets wouldnt hit schools and neighborhoods if they werent home-made, but no... thats what they have to resort to, because 2 of the 5 strongest countries (militarily - israel, and america) decided to ignore their cries. decided to continue their suffering. decided not to help them, decided to lie about them AND their plight, decided to keep their citizens in the dark about the crimes of israel and even


    114 BILLION???





