Sunday, August 2, 2009

Obama's Kenyan Birth, or Indonesian Citizenship? Shoot, I Can't Keep Up With This Stuff!

Some readers on the left of the spectrum have ribbed me about when I'd be blogging on the Obama birth certificate conspiracy.

And that's the thing, it's a conspiracy; and as much as I love my fellow conservatives, I'm' not touching this story: "
BORN IN THE USA? Is This Really Smoking Gun of Obama's Kenyan Birth? Attorney Files Motion for Authentication of Alleged 1960s Certificate From Africa."

Actually, this little clipping below is the main reason I don't bother with this stuff. It's from the Honolulu Advertiser. As
Ed Morrissey noted last July:
Unless someone wants to argue that the Advertiser decided to participate in a conspiracy at Obama’s birth in 1961 to provide false citizenship on the off-chance that an infant from a union of a Kenyan father and a teenage mother would run for President, then I’d say the “mystery” is over.

But wait! There's more, a lot more.

Andrew McCarthy's got a penetrating essay at National Review, "
Suborned in the U.S.A.: The Birth-Certificate Controversy is About Obama’s Honesty, Not where He Was Born"

The theory that Obama was born in Kenya, that he was smuggled into the U.S., and that his parents somehow hoodwinked Hawaiian authorities into falsely certifying his birth in Oahu, is crazy stuff. Even Obama’s dual Kenyan citizenship is of dubious materiality: It is a function of foreign law, involving no action on his part (to think otherwise, you’d have to conclude that if Yemen passed a law tomorrow saying, “All Americans — except, of course, Jews — are hereby awarded Yemeni citizenship,” only Jewish Americans could henceforth run for president). In any event, even if you were of a mind to indulge the Kenyan-birth fantasy, stop, count to ten, and think: Hillary Clinton. Is there any chance on God’s green earth that, if Obama were not qualified to be president, the Clinton machine would have failed to get that information out? ....

So, end of story, right? Well, no. The relevance of information related to the birth of our 44th president is not limited to his eligibility to be our 44th president ....

Shortly after divorcing Barack Obama Sr., Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, married an Indonesian Muslim, Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo, whom she met — just as she had met Barack Sr. — when both were students at the University of Hawaii. At some point, Soetoro almost certainly adopted the youngster, who became known as “Barry Soetoro.” Obama’s lengthy, deeply introspective autobiographies do not address whether he was adopted by the stepfather whose surname he shared for many years, but in all likelihood that did happen in Hawaii, before the family moved to Jakarta.

Under Indonesian law, adoption before the age of six by an Indonesian male qualified a child for citizenship. According to Dreams from My Father, Obama was four when he met Lolo Soetoro; his mother married Soetoro shortly thereafter; and Obama was already registered for school when he and his mother relocated to Jakarta, where Soetoro was an oil-company executive and liaison to the Suharto government. That was in 1966, when Obama was five. Obama attended Indonesian elementary schools, which, in Suharto’s police state, were generally reserved for citizens (and students were required to carry identity cards that matched student registration information). The records of the Catholic school Obama/Soetoro attended for three years identify him as a citizen of Indonesia. Thus Obama probably obtained Indonesian citizenship through his adoption by Soetoro in Hawaii. That inference is bolstered by the 1980 divorce submission of Ann Dunham and Lolo Soetoro, filed in Hawaii state court. It said “the parties” (Ann and Lolo) had a child (name not given) who was no longer a minor (Obama was 19 at the time). If Soetoro had not adopted Obama, there would have been no basis for the couple to refer to Obama as their child — he’d have been only Ann Dunham’s child.

In any event, the records of the Catholic school and the public school Obama attended during his last year in Indonesia identify him as a Muslim. As Obama relates in Dreams from My Father, he took Koran classes. As Obama doesn’t relate in Dreams from My Father, children in Indonesia attended religious instruction in accordance with their family’s chosen faith. Moreover, acquaintances recall that young Barry occasionally attended Friday prayers at the local mosque, and Maya Soetoro-Ng, Obama’s half-sister (born after Lolo and Ann moved the family to Jakarta), told the New York Times in a 2008 interview, “My whole family was Muslim, and most of the people I knew were Muslim.” In fact, back in March 2007 — i.e., during the early “Islamic ties are good” phase of Obama’s campaign — the candidate wistfully shared with New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof his memories of the muezzin’s Arabic call to prayer: “one of the prettiest sounds on earth at sunset.” Kristof marveled at the “first-rate accent” with which Obama was able to repeat its opening lines.

The point here is not to join another crackpot conspiracy, the “Obama as Muslim Manchurian Candidate” canard. Obama was only ten years old when he left Indonesia; there is no known evidence of his having made an adult choice to practice Islam, and he is a professed Christian. The point is that he lies elaborately about himself and plainly doesn’t believe it’s important to be straight with the American people — to whom he is constantly making bold promises. And it makes a difference whether he was ever a Muslim. He knows that — it’s exactly why, as a candidate, he originally suggested his name and heritage would be a selling point. Obama’s religious background matters in terms of how he is perceived by Muslims (Islam rejects the notion of renouncing the faith; some Muslims, like Libyan strongman Muammar Qaddafi, make no bones about regarding Obama as a Muslim; and — as the mainstream media took pains not to report during the campaign — it is suspected that significant illegal donations poured into the Obama campaign from Islamic countries and territories). Obama’s religious background also matters in terms of how he views American policies bearing on the Muslim world.

There's more at the link.

It's pretty compelling. I'm not going over into "birther territory" after reading McCarthy's essay. But the piece does confirm what I already know about our president - the guy's a sneaky con-man who snaked his way into the Oval Office by pulling the most grandiose hoodwink on the American people in history.

More at
Memeorandum. See especially, Confederate Yankee, "Another (Faked) Obama Birth Certificate Found."


  1. Ed Morrissey may be convinced by an alleged snippet from a newspaper, but I'm not. First off, a snippet from a newspaper is a lot easier to forge than a birth certificate; and the snippet in question announces the birth but has no legal capacity to certify the location of the birth.

    No, the only solution is for Obama to release the long form of his birth certificate. He may be reluctant to do so for other reasons -- perhaps he was illegitimate and fears undeserved shame from blueblood snobs -- but it doesn't matter. He needs to release that BC, and until he does, the facts of his birth have not been proved.


    What happens to Judge Sotomayor’s confirmation as Supreme Court Justice if the Constitution’s “natural born citizen” Presidential eligibility requirement is subsequently determined applicable to Barack Obama on the basis of Article 2’s exclusion of dual citizenship birth (doesn’t matter whether Obama born in Hawaii since his dad was Kenyan/British citizen at the time)? It would seem prudent, if not dereliction of Constitutional duty in not so doing, for the United States Senate to defer voting on Judge Sotomayor’s confirmation at the very least until there is determination, now imminent, on standing in Kerchner v. Congress (USDC NJ) on that precise issue (Congressional failure to take up the raised and known constitutional ineligibility question prior to declaring a Presidential winner in the vote of the electoral college). For the full Senate now to proceed to vote to confirm Judge Sotomayor (an otherwise lifetime appointment) before then, would be a knowing and very substantial exacerbation of any inherent Constitutional crisis — compounding the previous Congressional dereliction. That is, the Executive Branch, as well as conceivably all actions of a Congress under a President determined ineligible, would leave the Supreme Court as an essential unfettered remaining Branch of the Federal Government, that is unfettered so long as Mr. Obama’s nominee to the Court is not yet confirmed by the Senate.

    Will not one Senator, let alone Republican Senator, raise this issue on the Senate floor? The nation is watching.

    Leave a Reply

  3. I'm sorry, but I missed the actual lies that McCarthy's supposedly getting to the bottom of.

  4. If I wrote something that foolish I'd post it as "Anonymous" as well. At least Stogie is brave enough to admit that he's the one who actually thinks that Obama became president by posing as a time-traveling, birth announcement writing newspaperman for two different publications in Hawaii in the early 1960's. Bwa-ha-ha-ha! You guys are priceless.

  5. Whether one believes Obama to be a born citizen of the United States or not, he needs to show his actual birth certificate and put the rumors to rest. As you say, there is some reason for his not doing so. I've been thinking that it may have something to do with his biological father not being who Obama claims he is. But as long as he doesn't show it, the rumors will persist. All he has to do to put them to rest is show it. Wouldn't a reasonable person do so?

    Then there is also the matter of his college records which he won't release either. And why does his paternal grandmother claim he was born in Kenya if he wasn't? It's all very strange.

  6. You started out so well. For the first time, an intelligent, well-thought-out position.
    But then you had to snatch your usual lunacy from the jaws of reasonableness.
    You can't help yourself, can ya?

  7. With all due respect to Ed Morrissey, Allahpundit, Dr. Douglas, Neal Boortz, and a whole bunch of other people I respect, I'll believe Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii when I see irrefutable proof that he was.

    It is going to take far more than a poor quality copy of a birth announcement that allegedly appeared in a Hawaiian newspaper in 1961 to convince me. Hell, I could pop a birth announcement in any newspaper on this planet claiming anything I wished, and I wouldn't even have to get up from the computer.

    Having researched this issue pretty thoroughly, I also know that so-called COLB released by the Obamanistas isn't worth the paper it is printed on.

    Those of you who have taken the time to look into this know full well that, in 1961 Hawaii, the family of a person born anywhere on Earth could obtain a COLB in that state within one year of the birth.

    This mysterious man, who 4.5 years ago, NOBODY outside of Chicago had ever even heard of, and who is now occupying the highest office in the nation, along with his handlers, have proven themselves to be reflexive, unflinching pathological liars on just about any subject you care to name.

    Not only that, but his meteoric rise was mostly bankrolled by people (such as George Soros) who have a decided dislike for this nation, if not an outright hatred.

    That fact alone should be a giant, flaming red flag in front of God and everybody.

    I wouldn't take these people's word for a flood if I were standing on the roof of my house, up to my neck in water.

    You have to wonder why Obama has spent (so far) $1 million to keep certain details of his past hidden from public view.

    The man is hiding something. If not his place of birth, then what?

    My biggest concern is not so much the bills he signs into law, which, if he proves to be illegitimate, the federal court system will, many years and billions of dollars later, be able to eventually noodle out.

    We are currently at war, with troops serving in combat overseas.

    I don't want to see any of them wind up swinging at the end of a rope in the dark, dank basement of some foreign court for having committed "war crimes" by following illegal orders issued by a bogus CIC.

    And if you don't think that is a very real possibility, then you have missed entirely the coming about of this insane, upside-down and backward world we now reside in.

    In a little over seven months, Barack Hussein Obama has pulled off the seizure of the financial industry, the mortgage industry, two of our three auto manufacturers, has laid the groundwork for the ultimate seizure of the banks, and is currently working to seize our private health care system, which represents 1/6th of what is left of our free-market economy.

    There are also known plans usually only talked about in the backrooms of the DNC, regarding eventual federal government control of the airlines, the private energy producers, as well as going after private pension plans and 401ks, too.

    We are in the midst of an Obama-led coup, folks, in which he aims to bring our private-sector economy to its knees, and we who love freedom and liberty are losing quite badly.

    Sorry, but I think it's long past time we found out just exactly who this former community-agitator goober really is.


  8. Are the Humiliating Comment-makers Netizens CHICOM or just ACORN?
    Thank God for Attny. Taitz and her actions to save the US Constitution and the US, itself.
    Ever notice: On ALL the search engine searches (Read they've been suppressing pro-birther results) the criticisms of all us "Birthers" is the same as they do in Red China?
    There, the government employs a horde of "Netizens" to go to sites to humiliate & denigrate & suppress anti-government talk. They're paid about $.25 each, I've read.
    Just like these apparent ACORN operatives do, they ALWAYS humiliate, denigrate, and use varying terms of "Mental Illness" in volume! Buzzwords like "Wingnut," "Birther," "Insane,"Unhinged, "Delusional,"
    That's what happens to the average Chinese when they type out loud, and the Chinese have even more "Mental Health" Prisons as do the Russians.
    The apparent wave of the future for us here in Obamaland?
    But the CHICOMS have been waging economic and PSYOPS warfare on us a long time. They've apparently continued their terroristic use of Biblical prophesies (Remember what they did on 6/6/6?) by creating as part of The Big 0's Economic Manchurian Candidate grooming and Legend, that he's actually the Anti-Christ (Imagine the desired reactions.) That his name, "Barrack Obama," means "Antichrist," in ancient Hebrew in the Book of Luke, according to a religious researcher can be seen at this YouTube video on World Net News.
    This creation of a well-groomed "Legend," part of an overall economic warfare agenda, taking over at the top, is as old espionage craft as is planting ads in prominent Hawaii newspapers, making myth become "The Truth."

  9. Stogie, you are in excellent company here, my friend. Enjoy.

  10. It is highly unlikely that Obama was adopted by Soetero in Hawaii since his Obama BC would then be inaccessible. The "adoption" was probably by consent only as my step-children took on the name of their aunt and uncle who raised them but who never filed the adoption papers. So, when I married their father, we took their original birth certificates to the schools and changed their names back to what they were legally. During the 60s, it was easy to simply change a child's name without adoption.

  11. Stogie - get over it. I live in NJ and can't obtain the "long form" of my birth certificate!! It is short form only extracting the identifying info from the original and validated by the state. Like it or not, it is legal and completely acceptable to all but the few "I refuse to believe the Earth is round" naysayers.
