Saturday, August 8, 2009

Tea Party at SEIU Headquarters in St. Louis: ACLU, NAACP Boycott; No Violence Reported as ObamaThugs Avoid Further Arrests

Via Gateway Pundit, "Hundreds Show Up to Protest SEIU Thuggery & Violence in St. Louis":

Sadly, the ACLU and the NAACP did not send representatives to the rally ...

Although he was too weak to speak after his beating on Thursday, black conservative Kenneth Gladney attended the event. Kenneth was beaten, kicked and called racist names by SEIU Russ Carnahan supporters after a town hall meeting on Thursday.

More at the link. (Via Memeorandum.)

Also, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, "Tea Party Rally Draws About 200; No Violence is Reported."

1 comment:

  1. Here's a tidbit from today's WSJ [h/t: Drudge] about that guy Carnahan: The 10 members of Congress gathered at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland on the morning of Dec. 29, 2007, along with several of their staff. Those who brought spouses were four Democrats (incl. Rep. Russ Carnahan of Missouri.....

    In the article, Carnahan is also involved in junkets to the Galapagos and the Australian Great Barrier Reef all paid for by us taxpayers.....

    No wonder he doesn't have time to read the 1000+ pages of Dear Leader's Health Fiasco...
