Wednesday, August 5, 2009

This is What Mob Rule Looks Like...

Recall the leftist thugs attacking Jim Gilchrist at Columbia University? Look again:

See also, "Columbia, Students Attack Minuteman Founder: Students Stormed the Stage at Columbia."

Lots more videos of the intolerant left, now whining about "mob rule, at Michelle Malkin's, "This is What Mob Rule Looks Like."


  1. Ahhh... I love the smell of moral relativism in the morning...

    Yep, ol' Jim was treated poorly. But that doesn't make shouting down/shutting down the town halls of reps you don't agree with any better, even if, relatively speaking, you're more polite about it than these college kids who accosted Mr Gilchrist.

    (Perhaps what we need are videos of town halls / speeches where the person at the microphone isn't shouted down, just to see how the tea-party - town hall mobbery appears, relative to them...)

  2. Don't you just love the hypocrisy of the liberal left?

    For 30+ years they have shouted down conservatives and practiced the politics of personal destruction (as is currently occurring with Sarah Palin). Ann Coulter and others had pies thrown in their faces from these now-protesting radicals.

    Give me a break. The silent majority took it for all those years. They are finally standing up and speaking out ... and what scares the lefty libs to death is that, if every conservative stood up, the libs would be far outnumbered.

    "Separate and isolate" ... Sun Tzu. We will not be separated or isolated ... we are gathering and making our voices heard all across the country.

    Keep up the good work, Donald. You and the thousands of conservative bloggers out there are keeping the pressure on a group that now is whining about the very tactics they have used all these years.

    Heh. Payback is hell.

  3. Leftists are not moral relativists. They are moral absolutists, operating under two key premises:

    1) Morality is whatever they say it is.
    2) They, and only they, can use whatever level of coercion and force necessary to get their way on any issue.

    This isn't a fight between liberals and conservatives. Most so-called "conservatives" are less racist, more tolerant, and more liberal than so-called "Leftists". This is instead a fight between a society and hooligans trying to take it over by hook and by crook.

    Leftism isn't an ideology. It's a transnational criminal mafia, and big business. And business these days is very good.
