Saturday, August 1, 2009

'Turning the Tide of Battle': The Surge: A Military History

Between breaking scoops, I'm actually reading a number of books; next up is Michelle Malkin's Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies."

Well, add another to my list, thanks to my good friend Courtney at Great Satan's Girlfriend: Kimberly Kagan's, The Surge: A Military History.

Courtney, herself a young neocon-hottie, is getting some traction as an up-and-coming blogger-analyst. She's linked at Small Wars Journal, and the folks over there liked her eye-grabbing visuals: "... the post caught my eye more for the visual, rather than the written word - so sue me."

I wonder if that dude reads Robert Stacy McCain!

Plus, the Wall Street Journal had a piece on Kagan a few weeks back as well, "
Turning the Tide of Battle: Why, After So Much Carnage and Pessimism, A New Strategy Worked in Iraq."

It must be something about those tenacious neocons!

More hot neoconservative commentary at
GrEaT sAtAn'S gIrLfRiEnD.

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