Friday, August 7, 2009

Union Thuggery in Tampa!

From Atlas Shrugs, "Tampa, St. Louis ...Obama's Union Thugs are Beating People up at Town Hall Meetings":

The unifier, the great post-American hopenchange fascist, has adopted the street tactics of Chicago thug politics to ram his takeover down our throats. Well, the people are not going quietly - thank G-d. His ACORN/SEIU/Union goons are beating the folks up. America has been sucker punched. Check out this video - stay with it...union thugs are beating up Randy Arthur at Castor town hall meeting in Tampa on Thursday. This is low grade civil war. Are they ratcheting up civil unrest so that they can call in reinforcements? We the people! They answer to us.
More at Memeorandum.


  1. This is happening all over the nation. These criminals are attempting to silence any opposition.

    Sunshine Law in the Sunshine State: LIES

  2. Perhaps the strong arm bully tactics of those that would infringe upon fellow American “folks” expressing their first Amendment Right to free speech should remember Reagan’s words: “Above all, we must realize that no arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women.”

    They will not shut us up.

  3. I think its should now be clear to even the dullest among us that last November, 65 million of our fellow citizens cast their vote for an educated-beyond-his-intelligence Chicago street punk.

    These union low-life's don't like the fact that people are publicly telling the truth about the dim's hideous health care "reform" bill.

    Remember, the truth is treason in the empire of lies.

