Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Up Next: Barbara Boxer 'Joker' Posters?

I watched Hardball last night (transcript here). With all due respect, Barbara Boxer looks like she just finished posing for her own 'Joker' cartoon:

Ed Morrissey's got the story, "Boxer: Protesters Too Well Dressed to Be Sincere":

Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) appeared on Hardball last night in support of the Left’s attempt to discredit the people showing up to townhalls in protest of ObamaCare. Boxer says she can tell that they’re fakes, because they’re too well dressed. How does she know that this is a problem? Because well-dressed people apparently told her to get the hell out of Florida in the Bush-Gore recount, too ...
More at the link.

By now Boxer's
an embarrassment to the Senate's Democratic caucus. She's been stripped of a leading role on climate change legislation, and her recent gaffe on race relations is perfectly indicative of the left's double standards on racial sensitivity.

The good news is that she's up for reelection next year and looking deeply vulnerable in a head-to-head match up against Carly Fiorina. See Rasmussen Reports, "
Election 2010: California Senate: California Senate: Boxer 45%, Fiorina 41%."

More at
Memeorandum. See also Pat in Shreveport, "Your Dress Code for Town Hall Protests."

P.S. Could be a good idea for No Sheeples.


  1. She's right. We are getting more organized. I guess in a California Liberals point of view, demonstrations aren't valid unless they look like they come from an L.A. slum and burn cars and trash storefronts while looting.

    This woman is a Joke. She really should have her own Joker poster, no I take it back. Bozo the clown poster is more appropriate.

  2. I realize many on the left actually believe that we are being manipulated by the insurers, Limbaugh, Hannity, or whoever, because that is how they themselves operate.

    Many of them just cannot grasp the concept of independent thought and action.

    However, I think the dim leadership, along with their media dog-washers, know the truth, which is why they are so scared.

    And scared they are.


  3. Would that bitch rather we start showing up naked? What in Hell difference does it make how people dress?

  4. She is completely out of touch with Americans. She is the problem.
