Tuesday, September 15, 2009

ACORN Prostitution Scandal Threatens Democrats' Hold on Power!

From Atlas Shrugs, "Exploding NUT CASE: ACORN Employee "names names of politicians she talks to each day, plus what bills they are lobbying heavily for (with taxpayer money). Oh, this Acorn employee is also a former hooker herself, admits to killing husband":

If you didn't think ACORN could get any worse after several of their employees (in multiple locations) tried to help a prostitute buy a house, lie to the IRS and run a brothel with underage hookers from El Salvador ... you were wrong. It gets much worse. In today’s tapes, this ACORN employee gives away the farm - she names names of politicians she talks to each day, plus what bills they are lobbying heavily for (with taxpayer money). Oh, this Acorn employee is also a former hooker herself, who (in this audio tape) admits to killing her abusive husband. Your tax dollars hard at work! ( Transcript, Insider Audio)
Also, Andrea Shea King links to FrontPage Mag's, "Valerie Jarrett: The Next Van Jones." But see, Lame Cherry, "From Little Acorn: Arrest:"

What now must be reviewed by the FBI is why ACORN was using of all the places on earth, a New Orleans based front, that was basically a house with dozens of "businesses" operating from it. The name of the front was CSI, and in interviews reported here, CSI said they had nothing to do with stage lighting and various other things ACORN was dumping money into their coffers for and yet the money was disappearing.

Valerie Jarrett is the link through her power friend, a friend she stated in Chicago Magazine had the following necessary attributes:

Quote Valerie Bowman Jarrett: “Linda has a real ability to see all sides of a situation,” Jarrett says. “And when I’ve had a horrible day, I’ll call DesirĂ©e and say, ‘Meet me for a drink.’ I need friends I can trust to keep my confidences.”

Trust to keep my confidences? That sounds a great deal like secrets in three power brokers in Chicago's black side might have a whispering push to have ACORN find its way into corrupt New Orleans at the behest of friends conducting the same push now finding the FBI arresting people.

It was Valerie Jarrett who was the womb for changeling embryo Bearick Obama who this group of communists noted and was apparently artificially inseminated into blackness by delivery artist Bill Ayers who was modeling the Barry wonder.

Valerie Jarrett would steer Obama as she is still his control. She would be the first to read his rambling Dreams of a Deadbeat. She would be the first to host Obama and be the driving force in Obama finding his presidential run voice when he was lost in the crowd.

From little ACORNS grow mighty convictions as the branches of corruption spread upon the limbs weighing down the names of those who were directing ACORN in election fraud and money laundering.

I have faith in the FBI in this job well done under Director Robert Mueller, what I have absolutely no faith in is Eric the bagman Holder who is a shill not seeing election crimes in Pennsylvania and the head of all the US Attorneys who will be prosecuting these cases in Patrick pay and play Fitzgerald, who just got his appointment at a most opportune time in somehow not being able to see Rahm Emanuel, Bearick Obama and Valerie Jarrett were guilty as Rod Blagojevich for trying to buy as Senate seat Blago was selling.

If this proceeds as it should in making the piglets squeal, the piglets in deals will roll over on the sows on top with names Pritzker, Jarrett, Plouffe, Axelrod and Obama who all benefited by what ACORN was doing illegally in stealing the presidential election.
See also, The Real Barack Obama, "Why Was Obama’s “Brain” Valerie Jarrett So Happy to Hire Communist Van Jones? Was it Fate?"

Related: Staff Report, U.S. House of Representatives, 111th Congress, Committee on Oversight and Government Reform (July 20, 2009), "
Is ACORN Intentionally Structured As a Criminal Enterprise?"


  1. Donald, any skinny on Congresscritter Barbara Lee [LNU] of California's 33rd CD, the one who bragged to her Townhall Mtg packed with SEIU thugs that she hadn't read the ObamaCare Health Bill to rousing applause [my guess is that much of her audience is functionally illiterate]?

    I used to work in the 33rd CD when it was San Berdoo Ontario territory for Gene McCarthy back in '68 & Barb seems a natural ACORN type. [It was the only CD to go for Clean Gene in southern California against RFK, and I got a big boost from the Campaign Staff afterwards in the campaign, and that was because I spent a lot on Mariachi bands and had Hollyweirdos with me at rallies.]

    Back when politics was fun!?!

  2. AAAACORNS roasting by an open fire

    Jack Frost nipping at your nose.

    Is this our Christmas gift coming early?

  3. Valerie Jarrett is undoubtedly a woman of power and influence.

    Obama has in-fact said that he makes NO decision without her.

    Jarrett is also a far-left subversive radical who's completely obsessed with racial issues... and was never properly vetted by the MSM, let alone anybody in the White House.

    And this woman was Van Jones' recruiter, biggest supporter, and cheerleader. And the corruption she was involved with through Habitat Corp and Tony Rezko back in Chi-town is appalling-

