Sunday, September 27, 2009

Babe Blogging: Britney Spears Bikini Pics

I'm temporarily coming out of babe-blogging retirement to share this wonderful bikini pic of Britney Spears at the Ritz Carlton, Marina Del Rey, from August 16. The inspiration is William Teach's "Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup," and the Classical Liberal's homage to Britney, "Not Reason, Just Britney." Enjoy!

As always, more fabulous babe blogging at Theo Spark's. And don't miss Camp of the Saints' refreshingly cool entry on Tina Louise! (Hat Tip: TrogloPundit.)


  1. Cute but not stunningly beautiful. Even if I was in the right age group though I would avoid her, just too much mental baggage.

  2. Thanks for the link. But, I must admit, I'm not surprised that you linked to Tina 'Ginger' Louise; after all, you are The Professor.

    Linked to at RULE 5 SATURDAY: Tina Louise

  3. Shoprat, I think I've got a thing for Britney, especially her body!

  4. I prefer Megan Fox personally...but I'm not picky.

  5. Britney's weight seems to fluctuate quite a bit. Every few months she's either fat or in stellar shape. I prefer Megan Fox.

  6. Britney is always hot! And did anyone link onto the guns and bikinis link ?! Wow, I'm putting in for a command position over the Israel Defense Force Girls Brigade!

  7. That is a very good Britney celebrity photo to have captured. I've often wondered, other than her celebrity, what is it that makes her so capitvating with the males? Is it her talent, her looks, her antics? Ok, maybe it is just a male thing. :)
