Thursday, September 3, 2009

CNN Reports on William Rice Finger-Biting Story: 'Health Care Debate Draws Blood'

Here's the CNN video:

The story is here, "Man Says He Lost Part of Finger in Fight at Health-Care Rally."

Karoli Kuns is interviewed there, and she's got a lot of activity at her Twitter page. Lots of witnesses to the altercation.

See my earlier report, "
Search Continues for MoveOn Finger-Biter: William Rice Interview - Doctors Unable to Reattach Finger, 'I'm No Hero' (VIDEO)."

Readers should call the Ventura County Sheriff with information on the finger-biter: (805)494-8201.

See also, "FullosseousFlap's Dental Blog, "
Bill Rice Loses Finger Tip To Unhinged Obamacare Supporter":

Bill is a former Ventura County firefighter and his family is very well known and respected in the Newbury Park and Thousand Oaks area.

Flap recalls fondly when there was a fire in my dental practice shopping center, it was Bill Rice who came to my office and made sure there were many fans to prevent smoke damage. He gave service above and beyond – as has his son who is now serving in the Marines.

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